Figure 2.
A structural model of a synaptophysin–synaptobrevin complex. The model was based on a study by Adams et al. (2015) and generated with PyMOL using a pdb file provided by M. Stowell. (A) The complete complex viewed from the vesicle lumen shows 6 synaptophysins (green) and 12 synaptobrevins (red) in a hexagonal formation. 12 synaptophysin TMDs and 12 synaptobrevin TMDs face inward and could line a fusion pore. (B) The TMDs of two synaptophysin and two synaptobrevin molecules are viewed from within the plane of the membrane. Residues highlighted in yellow were implicated as pore liners by amperometry experiments with synaptobrevin TMD mutants (Chang et al., 2015); synaptobrevin residues 99 and 103 are highlighted on one chain, and residues 101 and 105 are highlighted on the other (compare with Fig. 4 B).