Table 2.
Final list of pain behaviors extracted from pediatric observational pain scales that loaded on factor 2, which we labeled as the “Automatic” factor.
Pain behavior | Factor 1 | Factor 2 | Factor 3 | Factor 4 |
Socially withdrawn | .181 | .382 | .050 | .172 |
Wincing | −.241 | .555 | .087 | .146 |
Deepening of nasolabial furrow | −.222 | .539 | .140 | .048 |
Whimpering | .164 | .531 | .022 | .142 |
Flailing arms and legs | .323 | .476 | .067 | .197 |
Grimacing | .082 | .611 | −.013 | −.004 |
Hard to console or comfort | .190 | .539 | .072 | .204 |
Watery eyes | −.272 | .602 | .172 | −.105 |
Tensing up | −.122 | .674 | −.029 | .066 |
Restless | −.029 | .536 | .151 | .040 |
Squeezing eyes | .150 | .370 | .184 | .017 |
Grinding teeth | −.321 | .576 | .158 | .072 |
Widening eyes | −.106 | .496 | .318 | −.109 |
Hyper alert | .011 | .432 | .229 | .261 |
Irregular, indrawn breathing | −.423 | .544 | .228 | .220 |
Crying | .288 | .403 | .292 | −.134 |
Tears running down face | −.099 | .553 | .173 | −.047 |
Squinting | −.154 | .498 | .148 | −.276 |
Moaning | .072 | .403 | .281 | .167 |
Shivering torso | −.502 | .496 | .273 | .096 |
Looking pale | −.550 | .511 | .191 | .214 |
Gasping | −.455 | .474 | .295 | −.074 |
Has disturbed sleep | −.545 | .482 | .249 | .169 |