Information encoding in the noisy harmonic oscillator model. (A) Oscillator at position is subjected to random thermal forcing as well as deterministic forcing, (Eq. 3). Four force magnitudes, , serve as input, and is output. Other parameters are s, s, and s−1. (B) Two sample trajectories (red and green curves) and the average of 5000 trajectories (black curves) corresponding to pN. Upper: Overdamped oscillators with , where mg is the mass at critical damping, pN s/μm, and 1 pN/μm. Lower: Underdamped oscillators with . Other parameters are = 0.5 pN μm and pN/μm. (C and D) Vectorial mutual information, , as a function of sampling start time, , at different sampling rates, r (color bar), and memory capacity for (C) overdamped and (D) underdamped oscillators. The black curve represents the scalar mutual information, , at each time point. (E) as a function of n at fixed sampling rate Hz and sampling start time (black curve, ; red curve, s). 1 corresponds to . (F) Maximal over all values as a function of r for fixed memory capacity . Error bars in (C)–(F) represent the mean ± SD of 20 independent trials for each condition. To see this figure in color, go online.