FIG 5 .
A principal-coordinate analysis plot of UniFrac distances from UNOISE2 as visualized by Emperor. A subset of American Gut Project samples spanning sequencing centers and rounds were selected. UNOISE2 was run independently per round. The resulting sOTU tables were merged, normalizing sequencing IDs such that if the same sequence were observed in multiple rounds it would receive the same ID. Observations with fewer than 10 counts were dropped. The data were rarefied to 5,000 sequences per sample. The plot shown is based on unweighted UniFrac distances and is colored according to the round of sequencing in the American Gut Project. An interactive visualization can be viewed at; the coloring used in the static image can be made by selecting the “center_project_name” as the scatter field. The static shot is oriented to show PC1 versus PC2, and the separation is more pronounced if orienting the projection to look at PC2 versus PC3.