Fig. 3.
Subregional comparison of slow oscillation amplitude. A: box plots showing Up-Down cycle frequency (i), Up-state duration (ii), and Down-state duration (iii). B: schema of the mPFC with indication of recording sites (gray dots) within each subregion color coded (ACC, red; PrL, purple; IL, dark blue; DP, light blue). C: example of the slow oscillation in each region aligned to the normalized Down-state-Up-state cycle. Solid line shows means ± SE (shaded region) over all cycles in the analyzed data segment from 1 animal (regions color coded as indicated in the above schema). Di: box plot showing slow oscillation peak-to-peak amplitude in the left hemisphere in each subregion of the mPFC. Dii: box plot showing slow oscillation peak-to-peak amplitude in the right hemisphere in each subregion of the mPFC.