Protein expression and localization of HADHA, GPI, and GNPNAT1 in the mouse diabetic kidney. The expression of the 3 candidate proteins was evaluated in the renal cortex of female and male diabetic STZ-induced (A–E) and Ins2WT/C96Y (F–I) mice. A, and F, show the immunoblots representing sex differences in HADHA, GPI, and GNPNAT1 protein expression in kidneys of STZ-induced and Ins2WT/C96Y mice, respectively. Densitometry analysis of each band was performed using Image J software. Intensities for HADHA (B, G), GPI (C, H) and GNPNAT1(D, I) were calculated and normalized to β-actin. Renal immunolocalization of the three top candidate proteins was also assessed in STZ-diabetic females and males. Scale Bar = 20 μm. Original magnification ×40. Data are expressed as means ± S.E. *p < 0.05 compared with females.