A–LEffects of Cyclo (A–C, n = 14), 5E1 (D–F, n = 16–20), or ablation of Smo in CaMKIIα‐positive neurons (G–I), or ablation of Smo in Aldh1l1‐positive astrocytes (J–L) on the progression of kindling including seizure class (A, D, G, J), evoked electrographic seizure duration (ESD) (B, E, H, K), and the number of stimulations required to reach equivalent seizure intensity (C, F, I, L). In (A–F), Ctrl are vehicle‐treated mice. In (G–I), Ctrl: Smo
fl/fl induced by tamoxifen; CaMK: Smo
ERT2 induced by tamoxifen, n = 14‐20. In (J–L), Ctrl: Smo
+/fl; Aldh1l1: Smo
Aldh1l1‐Cre, n = 19–20.