Whole‐cell recordings of spontaneous epileptiform activity from cultured hippocampal neurons. (A) Left: representative traces showing the neuronal activity under the indicated treatments. Right: the expanded view of a single burst (arrow) from the left panel. (B) Quantification of the percentage of neurons showing epileptiform activity, n = 4–5. (C) The burst frequency shown in (A), n = 15–18.
Quantification of 3H‐glutamate uptake by neurons in response to vehicle (Ctrl) or the indicated agents. n = 3–9.
Upper panel: representative Western blots of the extracts from hippocampal neurons transfected with two lentivirus‐based RNAi against GLAST (Gst3 or Gst4) or nonsense RNAi (Non). Lower panel: quantification of normalized GLAST protein levels, n = 3.
Statistics of 3H‐glutamate uptake by cultured hippocampal neurons transfected with the indicated RNAi in response to Ctrl or Shh. n = 3.
Quantification of EAAC1 levels in cultured hippocampal neurons transfected with two lentivirus‐based RNAi against EAAC1 (R2 or R3) or nonsense RNAi (Non). n = 3.
Quantification of the normalized current amplitude (13–22 cells in each group) of aspartate (Asp)‐evoked current in neurons treated with Ctrl, TBOA, DHK, WAY213623 (WAY, a selective inhibitor of GLT‐1), or UCPH‐101 (UCPH, a selective inhibitor of GLAST).
The effect of Shh on EAAC1 current density in the wash‐in method (n = 9). ES: extracellular solution. ns: not significant.
Quantification of EAAC1 current density from hippocampal neurons with the indicated treatments (n = 15–17).
Glutamate levels assayed by HPLC in the medium of neurons incubated with ARA‐C and treated with the indicated agents. n = 6–11.
Asp‐evoked currents from hippocampal neurons incubated with ARA‐C and treated with the indicated agents. n = 14–15.
Glutamate levels in the medium of neurons pretreated with Ctrl or Shh in the absence or presence of pertussis toxin (PTX). n = 8–9.
The current–voltage (I–V) relationship of Asp‐induced currents recorded from hippocampal neurons in response to vehicle (Ctrl) or Shh, from 10 to 24 cells in each group.
The dose–response curve of Asp‐evoked EAAC1 currents, obtained from hippocampal neurons at −70 mV. There was no significant difference between Ctrl and Shh in all concentrations from 12–13 cells. The EC50 of Ctrl or Shh was 37.33 ± 2.56 or 43.61 ± 0.63 μM, respectively. The dose–response curve was fitted by logistic equation: y = A
2 + (A
1 – A
2)/[1 + (x/x
0)p], where y is the response; A
1 and A
2 are the maximum and minimum response, respectively; x is the drug concentration; and p is the Hill coefficient.
Upper panel: representative Western blots of the extracts of hippocampal neurons under the indicated treatments using the indicated antibodies. Lower panel: quantification of the normalized expression level of EAAC1. n = 3.
Representative Western blots of fractionated lysates of rat hippocampus with antibodies against secretogranin II (SGII), synaptophysin (Syp), Smo, EAAC1, Gαi‐pan (Gαi), Gαi2, Gαi3, or Gβ‐pan (Gβ). SGII: a marker of large vesicles; Syp: a marker of small vesicles.
Effect of SAG on extracellular glutamate in mouse hippocampus. n = 11.
Data information: The upper panels in (H, I, J, L) show representative traces of Asp‐evoked current. α‐Tubulin was used as a loading control. DHK: 300 μM; TBOA: 100 μM; WAY213623: 300 nM; UCPH‐101: 10 μM. Data are mean ± SEM from at least three independent experiments. *
< 0.001 vs. 0Mg, Ctrl, Non or Ctrl (Non);
< 0.001 vs. Cyclo in (B) and (C);
< 0.001 vs. Shh or Shh + Cyclo in (J) with Student's