Figure 7.
Comparison of the palatal dentition in Champsosaurus; (a–d) from the Late Cretaceous; (e, f) from the Late Cretaceous and the Paleocene; (g–i) from the Paleocene. (a) Semi‐adult C. lindoei (RTMP 87.36.41); (b) juvenile C. lindoei (RTMP 94.163.01); (c) C. albertensis (RTMP 86.12.11), pterygoid flange teeth incomplete; (d) C. natator (NMC8919) pterygoid flange teeth incomplete; (e) C. ambulator (modified from Sigogneau‐Russell, 1979); (f) C. laramiensis (redrawn based on Brown, 1905 and Sigogneau‐Russell, 1979); (g) C. gigas (SMM P77.33.24); (h) C. dolloi (IRSNB R21) pterygoid flange teeth incomplete; (i) C. tenuis (SMM P79.14.1) pterygoid flange teeth and pterygoid longitudinal tooth rows are incomplete. Scale bars: 50 mm, but scale is unknown in (e). Blue colored area marks the distribution of the palatal dentition, and gray colored area marks nasopalatal trough extending from the choana.