Figure 3. Calibration of FET force sensor.
(a) Sketch of calibration process. (b) Detected lock-in currents (ω1 = 62 MHz, ∆ω = 30 kHz) versus peak-to-peak values of δVsd and δVg under a force of 5 nN and 0 nN respectively. Inset is the enlarged image at δVg = 0.3 Vpp and δVsd = 0.3 Vpp. (c) Calculated δG versus δVg under different forces. (d) Lock-in currents (∆ω = 30 kHz) of the sensor by a frequency sweep of ω1 ranging from 50 MHz to 180 MHz at a frequency step of 1 MHz under a force increasing from 10 nN to 100 nN. (e,f) Enlarged images of (d) in the frequency range of 55~60 MHz and 111~121 MHz respectively. (g) Detected lock-in currents versus the exerted force at different frequencies.