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. 2016 Dec 14;8(1):17–32. doi: 10.1080/19490976.2016.1267890

Table 1a.

GSRS total scores by treatment group and study period.

  Group of randomization
Gastrointestinal Symptom Rating Scale - Scores Group 1 Sb (N = 13) Group 2 AC (N = 12) Group 3 Sb + AC (N = 12) Group 4 Control (N = 12) Total (N = 49)
Gastrointestinal symptoms total score D-7 to D0
 Missing 0 0 0 12 12
 N 13 12 12 0 37
 Mean ( ± SD) 18.7 ( ± 5.4) 18.7 ( ± 3.8) 17.3 ( ± 2.4) NA ( ± NA) 18.2 ( ± 4.0)
 Min-Max [15.0;35.0] [15.0;26.0] [15.0;22.0] [NA; NA] [15.0;35.0]
Gastrointestinal symptoms total score D0 to D7
 Missing 0 0 0 0 0
 N 13 12 12 12 49
 Mean ( ± SD) 23.2 ( ± 8.8) 26.9 ( ± 14.2) 18.1 ( ± 3.0) 19.3 ( ± 8.1) 21.9 ( ± 9.7)
 Min-Max [15.0;44.0] [15.0;59.0] [15.0;25.0] [15.0;43.0] [15.0;59.0]
Gastrointestinal symptoms total score D7 to D14
 Missing 1 1 0 0 2
 N 12 11 12 12 47
 Mean ( ± SD) 19.3 ( ± 5.1) 20.3 ( ± 5.9) 16.8 ( ± 1.6) 16.4 ( ± 2.7) 18.1 ( ± 4.3)
 Min-Max [15.0;29.0] [15.0;34.0] [15.0;20.0] [15.0;23.0] [15.0;34.0]
Gastrointestinal symptoms total score D14 to D21
 Missing 1 1 0 0 2
 N 12 11 12 12 47
 Mean ( ± SD) 19.3 ( ± 5.7) 18.4 ( ± 5.8) 16.5 ( ± 2.9) 15.8 ( ± 2.3) 17.5 ( ± 4.5)
 Min-Max [15.0;33.0] [15.0;34.0] [15.0;25.0] [15.0;23.0] [15.0;34.0]