Figure 3. AlncRNA increases PTEN expression and inhibits AKT phosphorylation by targeting miR-21 and miR-153.
(A) Predicted paring of miR-21 (or miR-153) to the 3′-UTR of the human PTEN gene, and the diagram of a pMIR-REPORT luciferase reporter vector containing the 3′-UTR of PTEN with miR-21 (or miR-153) seed site (pMIR-luc-PTEN3′UTR-miR21 or pMIR-luc-PTEN3′UTR-miR153). (B) Luciferase activities in HepG2, HepG2-SR, Huh7 and Huh7-SR cells transfected with pMIR-luc-PTEN3′UTR-miR21, pMIR-luc-PTEN3′UTR-miR153 or a control vector. Cells were mock co-transfected or co-transfected with negative control (NC), anti-miR-21 or anti-miR153 oligonucleotides, or infected with AlncRNA. Relative luciferase activity was calculated as the percentage of luciferase activity in luciferase reporter vectors -transfected cells over those with the control vector. (C, D) Huh7 and Huh7-SR cells were mock transfected or transfected with NC, anti-miR-21, anti-miR153 or AlncRNA. Twenty-four hours later, cells were subjected to real-time RT-PCR to measure PTEN mRNA expression (C), or immunoblotted for detecting protein expression (D). The density of each band was measured and normalized to respective β-actin. “**” (P < 0.001) indicates a significant difference. “†” (P < 0.05) and “‡” (P < 0.001) indicate a significant increase; while “#” (P < 0.05) and “##” (P < 0.001), a significant reduction, versus mock transfected cells. “f” (P < 0.05) indicates a significant difference from anti-miR-21-transfected cells, while “Ñ” (P < 0.05), from anti-miR-153-transfected cells.