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. 2016 Sep 30;7(44):72184–72196. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.12360

Table 4. Significant Spearman rank-correlations with R-values > 0.20 between intratumoral and stromal CD66b+ TANs and tumor-associated markers in samples from NSCLC in the total cohort and in subgroups according to histology (Total cohort = 326, SCC = 191; ADC = 95).

Correlations with markers expressed in intratumoral cells
Tumor Stroma Tumor Stroma Tumor Stroma
CAIX 0.23* ANG T
CD34 −0.27** −0.27** ANG T
D240 0.21* ANG T
DLL4 −0.20*** −0.24* ANG T
FGFR1 −0.23* ANG T
Glut1 0.28** ANG T
NOTCH1 0.25* ANG T
NOTCH4 −0.22** ANG T
PHD-3 −0.33*** ANG T
Bad-cyt −0.24*** −0.21* −0.22* EMT T
Bad-Nuc −0.24** EMT T
Her3 −0.21** EMT T
Ki67 0.22* EMT T
pHer2 −0.22** EMT T
pi3K −0.21*** EMT T
CD66b 0.76# 0.80# 0.66# IMM T
CD68 0.23# 0.28*** 0.28# IMM T
MCT1 0.22* MET T
MCT4 0.22# 0.22** 0.27# MET T
PGC1-α −0.23* MET T
Correlations with markers expressed in tumor stroma
Tumor Stroma Tumor Stroma Tumor Stroma
Ang2 0.21* ANG S
D240 0.24* ANG S
DLL4 0.21** ANG S
miR21 0.21*** 0.23* ANG S
NOTCH4 0.21** ANG S
PDGF-A 0.22** 0.23** 0.23* ANG S
VEGF-A 0.22** ANG S
VEGF-D 0.21** 0.21* ANG S
cAkt 0.24*** EMT S
ERK3 0.20** EMT S
IGF1 0.21** EMT S
NfκB 0.23** EMT S
PAR6 0.22** EMT S
CD138 0.21** IMM S
CD1a 0.20** IMM S
CD66b 0.76# 0.80# 0.66# IMM S
CSF1R 0.23# 0.25# 0.26*** 0.28# 0.23* 0.21* IMM S
CXCL16 0.25*** IMM S
FOXP3 0.21** IMM S
CD68 0.23# 0.23** 0.27# IMM S
MCSF 0.28# 0.25# 0.32# 0.32# IMM S
FOXO1A 0.28# IMM S
LDH5 0.24*** MET S
MCT1 0.23# 0.26# 0.23** 0.30# 0.28** 0.24* MET S
MCT4 0.22# 0.20*** 0.20** 0.23* 0.27** MET S

Abbreviations: CD, cluster of differentiation; SCC, squamous cell carcinoma; ADC, adenocarcinoma;ANG, angiogenesis; EMT, epithelial-mesenchymal transition; MET, metastasis; IMM; immunology; CAIX, Anti-Carbonic Anhydrase IX;DLL4, Delta ligand 4; FGFR1, Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor 1; GLUT1, Glucose transporter 1; PHD, prolyl hydroxylase-domain; BAD, Bcl2 Associated Death Promoter; Cyt, in cytoplasm; Nuc, in nucleus; Her, human epidermal growth factor receptor; MCT, monocarboxylate transporter; PGC1, Peroxisome proliferative activated receptor gamma coactivator 1; Ang, angiogenin; miR, micro RNA; PDGF, Platelet-derived growth factor; VEGF, Vascular endothelial growth factor; IGF1, Insulin like growth factor 1; PAR6, Partitioning defective 6; CXCL16, C-X-C motif ligand; FOX, forkhead box; MCSF, Macrophage Colony Stimulating Factor 1; CSF1R, Colony stimulating factor 1 receptor; LDH, lactate dehydrogenase.


significant at p > 0.05,


significant at p > 0.01,


significant at p >0.001,


significant after Bonferroni correction for multiple tests