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Table 3. Model 4 Bootstrap Analysis of Positive Rumination and Brooding Mediating the Relationships Between Trait Affect and Depressive Symptoms.

Model Pathway Standardized
β SE 95% CI
Lower Upper
c Trait PA→Depressive -.20 .06 -.31 -.09 .002
c' Trait PA→Depressive -.18 .06 -.30 -.05 .003
α Trait PA→Brooding -.15 .06 -.27 -.04 .014
β Brooding→Depressive .21 .07 .07 .36 .005
Trait PA→Depressive α x β (c - c') -.04 .15 -.09 -.01 .012
Trait PA→Depressive c' -.04a
Positive Rumination
α Trait PA→Positive Rumination .34 .07 .20 .47 .002
β Positive Rumination→Depressive .04 .06 -.09 .16 .566
Trait PA→Depressive α x β (c - c') .02 .14 -.03 .07 .517
Trait PA→Depressive c' -.21b

a-.04 = (c - [c - c’]) = (-.20 - [-.20 + .04]).

b-.21 = (c - [c - c’]) = (-.20 - [-.20 + .21]).