Figure 4. PF-04449913 inhibits expression of a Hh signaling target gene.
(A) Drawing of a wing imaginal disc in l-L3 larvae. The border (A/P border, red line) between the anterior-A and the posterior-P compartments is indicated. The blue rectangle indicates the region shown in the area of the imaginal discs magnified in B-G and corresponding to the A/P border in the presumptive wing blade, the wing pouch,. (B–D) A/P border of the wing pouch in a wing imaginal disc from an engrailed-Gal4; UAS-CD8GFP larva administered with DMSO-medium (negative control). (E–G) A/P border of the wing pouch in a wing imaginal disc from an engrailed-Gal4; UAS-CD8GFP larva administered with PF-04449913-medium. In green, the membrane-localized CD8-GFP chimera expressed under the control of the engrailed-Gal4 enhancer-trap line; in red, the immunolocalization of the Ptc protein; in blue, the cell nuclei stained by Hoechst. The white dashed lines indicate the A/P border as defined by the posterior limit of the high-level expression domain of the Ptc protein in the anterior compartment. White arrows indicate (B, D) the few cells of the anterior compartment expressing engrailed at low level under the control of the Hh signaling. engrailed expression in anterior cells is absent (E–G) in wing imaginal disc of larvae exposed to PF-04449913. Scale bar: 10 μm.