Figure 3. Mutual irrelevance between uPA and uPAR expression in rat/human MM cells and no effect on proliferation and invasion with uPA knockdown in rat EM and SM cells.
(A, C) uPA expression in rat/human MM cells with quantitative RT-PCR and (B, D) no significant correlation between uPA and uPAR expression. Knockdown efficiency of two shRNA sequences transduced by lentivirus, targeting uPA in EM and SM cells, determined by (E) quantitative RT-PCR and Western blot analyses. There are no significant changes in (F) uPAR expression after uPA knockdown and (G) uPA expression after uPAR knockdown with quantitative RT-PCR. There is no obvious suppression of proliferation and invasion of rat MM cells after uPA knockdown, as observed in EM and SM cells by (H) cell counting and (I) transwell invasion analyses. EM, epithelioid subtype mesothelioma; SM, sarcomatoid subtype mesothelioma (means ± SEM; *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01; m.s., not significant). See text for details.