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. 2016 Sep 26;7(46):75457–75467. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.12255

Table 1. Characteristics of breast cancer cases and health controls.

Characteristics Controls
(n = 1256)(%)
(n = 1156)(%)
P value
Age (year)(mean ± SD) 47.4±10.8 46.7±10.4 0.118
Education level 1.96×10−36
 Uneducated or primary school 499 (39.7) 756 (65.4)
 High school or more 757 (60.3) 400 (34.6)
BMI (kg/m2)(mean ± SD) 23.0±3.0 22.6±2.6 4.60×10−5
Age at first live birth (year)(mean ± SD) 23.5±5.8 23.8±6.3 0.255
Parity 3.88×10−12
 0-1 534 (42.5) 655 (56.7)
 ≥2 722 (57.5) 501 (43.3)
Breast feeding period (year)(mean ± SD) 17.6±17.9 15.7±13.3 0.005
Breast feeding period (month) 2.3×10−6
 <6 294 (23.4) 182 (15.7)
 ≥6 962 (76.6) 974 (84.3)
Age at menarche (year)(mean ± SD)a 15.4±1.7 15.1±1.7 5.06×10−4
Age at menopausal (year)(mean ± SD) 49.9±3.6 49.8±3.8 0.677
Natural menstrual period (year)(mean ± SD) 29.0±7.2 29.1±7.1 0.82
Menopausal status 0.004
 Premenopausal 806 (64.2) 755 (65.3)
 Postmenopausal 426 (33.9) 396 (34.3)
 Unnatural menopausal b 24 (1.9) 5 (0.4)
Prior hormone replacement therapy 4.66×10−3
 Yes 28 (2.3) 56 (4.8)
 No 1228 (97.7) 1100 (95.2)
Previous benign breast disease 0.044
 Yes 30 (2.4) 44 (3.8)
 No 1226 (97.6) 1112 (96.2)
Family history of breast cancer 7.77×10−16
 Yes 12 (0.96) 86 (7.44)
 No 1244 (99.04) 1070 (92.56)
ER status
 Positive 778 (67.3)
 Negative 378 (32.7)
PR status
 Positive 709 (61.3)
 Negative 447 (38.7)
HER-2 status
 Positive 315 (27.2)
 Negative 841 (72.8)

Postmenopausal women only.


Unnatural menopausal includes hysterectomy operation and other status.