A. H&E stained section of double mutant epidermis showing carcinomas in situ (black arrows). B-E. Phenotypic characterization of carcinomas in situ present in RbF/F;K14creERTM;E2F4−/− epidermis by double immunofluorescence: laminin (red) and K14 (green) (B); K5 (red) and K10 (green) (C); K6 (red) and K10 (green) (D); K5 (red) and K15 (green)(E). Nuclei were stained with DAPI(blue). F-O. Representative immunohistochemistry of quoted proteins: total β-catenin expression (F, G); active β-catenin (F′, G′); c-myc (H, H'); cyclin D1 (I, I'); p19 (J, J); p53 (K, K); AKT-PS473
L, M, N, N'. and ERK-P O, O'. in RbF/F;K14creERTM;E2F4−/− (F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M. N, O) and RbF/F;K14creERTM
F', G', H', I', J', K', N'. epidermis. Bars=150 μm.