Forest Plot of Relative Difference in Daily Sodium Intake Between Low- and High-SES Groups
Note. m = men; SES = socioeconomic status; w = women. The formula for relative difference is ([value for high-SES group – value for low-SES group]/[value for high-SES group]) × 100. We adjusted the estimated sodium intake for (a) energy, (b) body mass index, (c) age, (d) gender, and (e) other. Sample description: a specific year is indicated with its last 2 digits (e.g., 1998 is indicated as ’98); (f) Southern United States sample neighborhood poverty, (g) non-Southern United States sample neighborhood poverty, (h) Southern US sample poverty to income ratio, (i) non-Southern US sample poverty to income ratio, (j) 1977 African American sample, (k) 1989 African American sample, (l) 1989 Caucasian sample, and (m) 1977 Caucasian sample.