Knockdown of Shp2 decreases the invasion and migration capacities induced by IL-6 in vitro. (A) Western blot analysis of the expression of Shp2 in cell lysates from T47D cells transfected with negative control and Shp2 specific siRNAs. A scrambled (Scr) sequence was used as a negative control for siRNA transfection, which defined as “Scr”; (B) Scr and Shp2 knockdown cells were seeded and coated with Matrigel in the transwell chamber, as described in Methods. Images are representative of cells adhering to the lower chamber after the invasive process. Invading cells per filed in the lower chamber were counted (40×). Data are expressed as mean ± SD from five independent fields, * represents p < 0.05; (C) Wound healing assay of control and Shp2 knockdown cells. Cell images were obtained immediately (0 h), 6, 18, and 24 h later. The distance shows that Shp2 knockdown resulted in reduced cell migration ability, p < 0.05.