Figure 3. The effects of weight cycling on body fat and lipid deposition as measured by MRI and MRS.
Changes in white adipose tissue (WAT) measured by MRI and ectopic fat deposition measured by MRS, in mice placed on combinations of high fat (F) or normal fat (C) measured at 4 (C, F), 10 (CC, CF, FC, FF) and 16 weeks (CCC, CFC, FCF, FFF). (A) Total WAT; (B) Total WAT normalised to body weight; (C) Subcutaneous WAT; (D) Subcutaneous WAT normalised to body weight; (E) Internal WAT; (F) Internal WAT normalised to body weight; (G) Intrahepatocellular Lipid (IHCL); (H) Intramyocellular Lipid (IMCL). Data presented as mean ± sem; n=10/group; statistical analysis performed using an ANOVA with Bonferroni post-hoc test; * = p<0.05, ** = p<0.01; *** = p<0.001