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. 2017 Feb;12(3):50–65.

Table 5.

Multivariate regression of factors associated with system knowledge and role clarity at selected critical stages (N = 473)

Factor Associated variables OR (95% CI) p-value*
PCP knows procedure for referring patients to RCP Attends cancer education sessions 1.53 (1.01, 2.32) 0.047
Years since graduation 1.03 (1.01, 1.05) 0.001
Number of new cancer patients seen 1.88 (1.43, 2.46) <0.0001
PCP role clear at follow-up Attends cancer education sessions 1.52 (1.00, 2.32) 0.052
Number of new cancer patients seen 1.33 (1.01, 1.74) 0.042
Years since graduation 1.02 (1.00, 1.04) 0.019
PCP assumes responsibility for palliative care Attends cancer education sessions 2.28 (1.40, 3.73) 0.001
Number of new cancer patients seen 2.10 (1.52, 2.91) <0.0001

CI = confidence interval; OR = odds ratio; PCP = primary care physician; RCP = regional cancer program.


p-values <0.05 are significant.