Figure 3.
Outcomes profile for the left ear of a hearing-impaired participant (5T) with primary hyperacusis, followed across the period of her full-treatment protocol (counseling in combination with sound generators) and posttreatment for unaided listening after transition to HAs. Repeated-measures audiometric pure tone thresholds (A) and loudness discomfort levels measured at 1,000 and 8,000 Hz and for white noise stimulation (B); repeated-measures categorical loudness judgments for spondee speech stimuli and for warble tones presented at 500, 2,000, and 4,000 Hz reveal the dynamics of treatment change (presentation level versus months of treatment) for each response category designated in the inset legend (C); repeated-measures NU-6 WRS measured at presentation levels judged to be comfortable and loud, but OK, respectively, for spondee speech stimuli (D); WRS (in rationalized arcsine units) measured pre- and posttreatment for comfortable and loud, but OK presentation levels, respectively, superimposed on the corresponding AI prediction (shown as a performance intensity function) from the STEPS algorithm (see text for details) (E); pretreatment audiometric pure tone thresholds shown together with corresponding UCL judgments measured pre- and posttreatment (F); and corresponding pre- and posttreatment dynamic ranges (G). The number (31) in A to D above the HA label represents months post–onset treatment for 5T at the time of the measurement. Abbreviations: AI, Articulation Index; HA, hearing aid; dB HL, decibels hearing level; RAU, rationalized arcsine units; STEPS, Speech Test Evaluation and Presentation System; UCL, uncomfortable loudness; WRS, word recognition score.