Figure 3.
Mechanism of Holliday Junction Resolution by SMX
(A) Time course analysis of Holliday junction X0 (50 nM) resolution with 0.5 nM SMX (left) or SM (right). Reaction products were resolved by native PAGE.
(B) Quantification of (A). Cleavage products are expressed as a percentage of total radiolabeled DNA. Results are presented as the mean of three independent experiments ± SEM.
(C) Time course analysis of Holliday junction X0 (50 nM) cleavage by wild-type and catalytically impaired SMX complexes (0.5 nM) containing mutations in SLX1 (SR41A/E82AMX), MUS81 (SMD307AX), XPF (SMXD705A), or all three nuclease subunits (SDMDXD). Reaction products were analyzed by neutral PAGE.
(D) Quantification of (C). Results are reported as the mean of three independent experiments ± SEM.
See also Figure S4.