a–e, Hematopoietic features of control (Cnt-5) and Atg5cKO (cKO-5) mice post-pIC treatment: (a) scheme for deleting Atg5 in the adult blood system, and (b) neutrophil counts in PB, (c) total cell numbers in BM and spleen, and quantification of (d) MP and (e) immature BM populations at 2 months post-pIC. f, Scheme for Cnt and cKO HSC primary and secondary transplantation (tplx). g, Engraftment of young (Y) and old (O) HSCs with donor chimerism in PB over time (left), and lineage distribution in PB (center) with HSC chimerism (right) at the indicated time post-tplx. h, Scheme for aging recipients transplanted with non-pIC treated Cnt and cKO BM cells and subsequently deleted for Atg12. i, Atg12 deletion in recipients transplanted with 2x106 BM cells from 2mo or 24mo-old non-pIC treated cKO donors with donor chimerism in PB post-PBS or pIC (left, ± S.E.M), and lineage distribution in PB at 125d post-tplx (right). Data are mean ± S.D. except where indicated. *p ≤ 0.05, **p ≤ 0.01, ***p ≤ 0.001.