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. 2017 Mar 10;7:44267. doi: 10.1038/srep44267

Figure 1. Map of South America with the locations of the records discussed in text.

Figure 1

Austral summer (DJF) 850 hPa wind field and fractional DJF precipitation. Color shading indicates regions where fraction of total annual precipitation falling during austral summer (DJF) >0.3, highlighting the extent of the SAMS over the continent; contour interval is 0.05. Wind data is from ERA-Interim and precipitation data from GPCC, with averages calculated over period 1979–2014. Red star indicates the location of Jaraguá cave (our JAR record); 1- Cariaco Basin27; 2- Paixão cave7; 3- Lapa Sem Fim cave7; 4- Laguna La Gaiba15,23; 5- Santiago Cave4; 6- El Condor and Cueva del Diamante caves5; 7- Salar Uyuni1; 8- Botuverá Cave2. The figure was created using the software Adobe Illustrator CS6 version 16.0.0, in similar way as in Novello et al.18.