Figure 5.
Results of the QTL detection for spring weight (green), maturation status (blue) and maturation threshold (red) across linkage groups (a) and for linkage groups LG14 (b), LG19 (c) and LG25 (d) where significant QTL were identified. X-axis indicates genomic position across linkage groups (a) and fine scale location within linkage group in centimorgan (b,c and d) and Y-axis gives the decimal logarithm of the Fisher test P value for the presence of a QTL. Continuous colored lines represent the log10 Fisher P value for the presence of a QTL at the specific location for each trait. Dashed black line represent the genome wide significance threshold for the log10 P value and colored dashed lines represent trait specific chromosome wide significance threshold for the three traits. Genome wide and chromosome wide significant QTL are located in the region where the log10 Fisher P value statistic test exceeds the significance threshold.