Figure 1.
CTEM analysis. The sample preparation and its transfer to the TEM grid are schematically described in panel a. (b) Bright field image of the heterostructure freely suspended on a hole in the Quantifoil(R) TEM grid. The red arrows indicate some aggregations of contaminants. (c) Electron diffraction pattern of the heterostructure from the suspended area in panel b. The green and the blue arrows indicate one graphene and one hBN diffraction spot, respectively. The misalignment between the two crystals is 1°. With reference to dark field imaging (d), the red circle marks the position of the objective aperture, and the dotted line indicates the tilt axis. (d) Dark field image of the same area as in panel b, acquired with a sample tilt of 16°. The red arrows point to the same features as in panel b. At these locations the moiré interference pattern is completely suppressed. (e) Magnified dark field image of the area inside the yellow square in panel d.