Fig. 3. Causal Studies of Face Processing.
a. Effect of TMS over three right hemisphere category-selective areas on sequential face discrimination (Pitcher et al 2009). The behavioral effect was computed by subtracting % correct in the absence of TMS from % correct when TMS was delivered over a given area. TMS over the occipital face area (OFA) disrupted face discrimination whereas TMS over the lateral occipital (LO) object area and extra-striate body area (EBA) had no significant effect on face discrimination. Similar category-selective effects were found for object discrimination at LO and body discrimination at EBA (not shown).
b. Effect of muscimol microinjection on face gender discrimination (Afraz et al 2015). The behavioral effect was calculated by subtracting % correct when faces were presented in the ipsilateral visual field (VF) from % correct in the contralateral VF. Sites had been categorized as “face detector sites” or “other IT sites” based on the response to briefly presented images of faces and non-face objects prior to muscimol injection. Inactivation of face detector, but not control sites, caused a deficit in face gender discrimination.