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. 2017 Feb 8;(653):141–149. doi: 10.3897/zookeys.653.11672
1 First tergite 1.5 times as long as apical width. Second to fourth tergites each with a rhombic depression. Fore wing with large areolet. Large spots on mesoscutum and metapleuron reddish yellow Poemenia depressa Wang & Gupta
First tergite 2.5 times or more as long as apical width. Second to fourth tergites without rhombic depressions. Fore wing without or with relatively small areolet. Mesoscutum and metapleuron entirely black 2
2 Fore wing without areolet 3
Fore wing with areolet 4
3 Face with dense long opalescent hairs (Fig. 8). First tergite 2.7 times as long as apical width. Third tergite shorter than second tergite. Basal halves of hind tarsomeres 1 to 3 and base of tarsomere 4 white Poemenia quercusia Sun & Sheng, sp. n.
Face with dense punctures. First tergite 3.0 times as long as apical width. Third tergite as long as second tergite. Hind tarsomeres entirely black Poemenia taiwana Sonan
4 Mesopleuron and mesosternum reddish-brown 5
Mesopleuron and mesosternum black 6
5 First tergite approximately 3.6 times as long as apical width, 1.3 times as long as second tergite. First sternite (Fig. 3) extending to 0.7 length of tergite, spiracle located at basal 0.3 of tergite. Third tergite approximately 1.9 as long as apical width. Ovipositor sheath 0.8 times as long as fore wing, 0.9 as long as metasoma. Hind coxa reddish-brown, with basal white spot Poemenia maculata Sheng & Sun
First tergite approximately 2.9 times as long as apical width, 1.1 times as long as second tergite. First sternite (Fig. 2) extending to 0.5 length of tergite, spiracle located slightly basal mid of tergite. Third tergite approximately 1.4 as long as apical width. Ovipositor sheath 0.5 times as long as fore wing, 0.45 as long as metasoma. Hind coxa entirely reddish-brown Poemenia brevis Sheng & Sun
6 Ovipositor sheath 0.4 to 0.5 times as long as fore wing. Face with fine, indistinct punctures. Lower portion of mesopleuron and propodeum with distinct punctures. Poemenia brachyura Holmgren
Ovipositor sheath at least as long as fore wing. Face with distinct punctures. Sculpture not entirely as above, or lower portion of mesopleuron with indistinct punctures, or propodeum with rugae 7
7 Lateral portion of pronotum with strong transverse ridge. Areolet uniquely small, 3rs-m approximately 2.8 times as long as 2rs-m, receiving vein 2m-cu at lower posterior corner Poemenia qinghaiensis Sheng & Sun
Pronotum normal, without transverse ridge. Areolet relatively large, vein 3rs-m at most 2.0 times as long as 2rs-m, receiving 2m-cu distinctly mesad of posterior corner 8
8 Areolet receiving vein 2m-cu approximately 0.7 times distance from vein 2rs-m to 3rs-m. Propodeum with fine transverse rugae. Ovipositor sheath 1.1 to 1.2 times as long as fore wing. Anterolateral portion of pronotum yellow Poemenia hectica (Gravenhorst)
Areolet receiving vein 2m-cu at or slightly mesad of lower posterior corner. Propodeum without rugae. Ovipositor sheath approximately 0.9 to 1.0 times as long as fore wing. Pronotum entirely black Poemenia pedunculata He