A, B) Immediately after the intervention (FU1), ADAS-Cogscore and pBDNF values fell significantly in the experimental group (EG) but were not significantly changed in control patients (CG). C, D) In EG patients, the ADAS-Cogscore reverted to baseline at 6 months (FU2) and showed a further significant increase at 24 months (FU3) compared to baseline, while pBDNF increased significantly at FU2 compared to FU1 as well as baseline and fell at FU3 versus FU2. In CG patients, ADAS-Cogscore and pBDNF values were virtually unchanged throughout follow-up. In A and C, columns and error bars represent means and standard error of the mean; in B and C, columns and error bars represent back-transformed means and 95% confidence interval. Data were adjusted for age and ADL.