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. 2017 Mar 6;9:121–126. doi: 10.2147/BCTT.S113025

Table 1.

Characteristics and findings of analyzed studies

Study, Year Center Number of patients Inclusion criteria Median follow-up (months) Planning/treatment technique Dose, Gy (dose/fraction, Gy) Target definition Outcome Toxicity Notes
Donovan et al,12 2007 Royal Marsden Hospital 306 Breast size and shape with higher risk of normal tissue change 60 2D versus IMRT 50 (2.0)+11.1a (2.22) NR NR 3D-IMRT technique reduces incidence of changes in breast appearance No significant differences in terms of breast discomfort, breast hardness, or QoL
Mulliez et al,13 2013 Ghent University 100 Large breast (European cup size C or more) NR Supine multibeam IMRT versus prone tangential IMRT 40.05 (2.67)+10a (2.5) Whole breast (PTV for optimization: PTV – 7 mm skin-zone) NR Prone IMRT reduces acute skin desquamation, dermatitis, edema, pruritus, pain IMRT improves dose coverage and homogeneity and reduces overdosage and lung irradiation
Barnett et al,14 2011;
Barnett et al,15 2012;
Mukesh et al,16 2012;
Mukesh et al,17 2014
Cambridge University 815 >2 cc receiving
>107% of prescribed dose with standard tangential plans
24 Standard RT versus forward-planned IMRT 40 (2.67)+ nodal/tumor bed (NR) NR NR IMRT increases cosmesis, reduces skin telangiectasia by photographic, and clinical assessment However, PROMs: no differences PROMs results were affected by large breast volume, younger age, baseline postsurgical cosmesis, postoperative infections
Livi et al,18 2015;
Meattini et al,19 2015
Florence University 520 Age >40 years; tumor <2.5 cm 60 WB 3D-RT versus IMRT-APBI “step-and- shoot” technique 50 (2)+10a versus 30 (6) PTV: 4 mm inside the ipsilateral lung; 3 mm from skin OS: WB: 96.6% versus IMRT-APBI: 99.4%; IBRT: 1.5% in both arms APBI reduces acute and late toxicity; improves cosmetic outcome Results confirmed in subanalysis on 117 patients older than 70 years
Pignol et al,20 2008;
Pignol et al,21 2016
Multicentric (Canadian trial) 331 241 Early-stage BC with ≤3 nodes 117.6 IMRT versus standard wedge RT 50 (2)+16a No PTV and organs at risk definition; CTV: 95% of prescribed dose NR IMRT reduces moist desquamation; no differences in chronic breast pain, cosmesis, QoL Younger age and pain during RT increase chronic pain; acute moist desquamation increases late subcutaneous effects




Abbreviations: APBI, accelerated partial breast irradiation; CTV, clinical target volume; IBRT, ipsilateral breast tumor recurrence; IMRT, intensity modulated radiation therapy; NR, not reported; OS, overall survival; PROMs, Patients Reported Outcome Measures; PTV, planning target volume; QoL, quality of life; RT, radiotherapy; WB, whole breast; 3D-RT, three-dimensional radiotherapy; 2D, two-dimensional.