(A to G) The sampling errors for different truth fields subsampled by historical observation locations are shown as green dots, with the green solid line and the error bar for the mean and ±2σ, respectively. Blue stars denote the 16 different truth fields. The gray line is the reconstructed monthly temperature anomaly time series from 1960 to 2015 with ±2σ interval in gray shading, and the dark line is the time series after a 7-year low-pass filter (see Materials and Methods). The orange curve is the NCEI result, along with a 1-SE bar (dashed orange). (A) Global, (B) tropical/subtropical Pacific, (C) North Pacific, (D) Indian, (E) tropical/subtropical Atlantic, (F) North Atlantic, and (G) southern oceans. (H and I) S/N ratio of the temporal variability of our reconstruction on (H) decadal scales (solid lines) and (I) interannual scales (triangle lines) compared to the sampling error.