Table 4. Requirements and Benefits of the Private-Sector (IMSS) and Public-Sector (ISSSTE) Social Security Systems.
Private PAYG system | Public PAYG system | |
Early retirement age | 60 | 60 |
Minimum years of contribution | 10 | 10 |
Contributions (percentage of worker's wage) | 10.5 | 9.0 |
Method to compute social security benefts | Average wage of 5 years preceding retirement | Wage of year preceding retirement |
Indexation of social security benefts | Minimum wage | Minimum wage |
Notes: PAyg refers to the pay-as-you-go system. Contributions in the private-sector social security system are made by the employee, the employer, and the government. For the public-sector social security system, contributions are made by the employee and the employer. The employee contributes 2.125 percent in the private-sector system and 3.5 percent in the public-sector scheme. The minimum wage varies by region. There are three determined regions. The indexation of benefits is computed with the minimum wage for the Mexico City region.
Sources: IMSS (1994), ISSSTE (1994)