Lesions associated with spirorchiid blood flukes in Chelonia mydas. a) Mild (score = 1) granulomatous lesions (G) and lymphocytic inflammation within the cerebral meninges of an adult green turtle, centred on a brown-shelled fluke ovum. HE stain, scale bar = 125 μm b) Moderate (score = 3) granulomatous lesions (G) and lymphocytic inflammation within the cerebral meninges of an adult green turtle, centred on several brown-shelled fluke ova. HE stain, scale bar = 350 μm c) Severe (score = 5) granulomatous lesions (G) and lymphocytic inflammation within the meninges of a small immature green turtle, centred on multiple numerous fluke ova. HE stain, scale bar = 350 μm d) Severe (score = 5) granulomatous lesion (G) with necrotic centre protruding into the lumen of the aorta of an adult green turtle, with dense lymphocytic inflammation in surrounding tissues. Numerous adult flukes (Hapalotrema pambanensis) were recovered from the heart and major vessels. HE stain, scale bar = 1.7 mm. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)