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. 2017 Mar 11;17:19. doi: 10.1186/s12905-017-0375-1

Table 1.

Characteristics of study participants by country of origin: weighted and age-adjusted proportions (%) or means and standard deviations (SD) among women who responded to the question of Pap test participation N/A = Not applicable (Question was not asked)

Characteristics Total n of respondents RUSSIAN (n=291) n(%) SOMALI (n=132) n(%) KURDISH (n=197) n(%)
Socio-demographic category
Age: Mean (SD) 620 42.3 (10.4) 39.3 (9.1) 38.4 (8.5)
High school in any country 618 249 87.0 16 14.4 79 42.0
Literacy in Finnish / Swedish 596 254 90.7 76 71.3 152 79.8
Married or common law partnership 617 191 62.7 97 75.8 153 75.4
Main Religion Christian for Russians 617 202 72.6 130 99.2 150 75.1
Islam for Somali & Kurdish
Number of family members: Mean (SD) 620 2.54 (1.1) 5.37 (2.8) 3.75 (1.6)
Employment status Housewife 616 30 13.5 48 42.7 33 18.2
Employed 616 189 62.8 46 30.4 96 48.8
Living outside of the metropolitan area of Finland 620 187 81.0 94 89.7 116 55.0
Immigration category
Age of migration: Mean (SD) 618 30.2 (10.7) 27.6 (9.8) 26.8 (8.8)
Living in Finland for ten years or longer 618 188 63.4 81 68.7 122 61.6
Has had discrimination experience 620 291 40.0 132 17.0 197 39.0
Health care services category
Pap test taken (previous five years) 620 219 73.9 40 34.7 121 61.3
At least one general health check-up (previous five years) 616 261 92.2 69 57.7 152 77.2
At least one gynecological check-up (previous five years) 616 213 73.8 34 30.5 97 50.1
Distrust in public health care services 614 123 41.1 26 23.7 53 27.4
Health category
Very good or good self-rated health status 620 166 64.4 104 78.8 111 58.3
Has ever given birth 608 235 74.6 111 89.9 180 90.9
Has had female genital mutilation (FGM) 309 N/A 93 79.0 67 36.0
Has experienced problems due to FGM 155 N/A 16 21.8 22 33.6