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. 2016 May 3;52(2):763–785. doi: 10.1111/1475-6773.12500

Table 2.

Characteristics of Industrial Injury Hospitalizations by Expected Primary Payer

State/Characteristic Billed to WC versus Non‐WC Non‐WC Payer Distribution (for Non‐WC Discharges Only)
Total (N) WC % of Total Non‐WC % of Total Non‐WC (N) Percentage of Non‐WC Discharges Billed to Each Payer
Medicare Medicaid Private Insurance Other Coverage Self‐Pay/No Charge
California overall 24,131 65.2 34.8 8,387 13.6 12.3 36.5 15.9 21.7
Gender 21,954 7,768
Male 18,605 66.1 33.9 6,313 8.6 13.3 35.5 18.3 24.4
Female 3,349 56.6 43.5 1,455 40.3 8.7 37.4 5.7 8.0
Age 24,131 8,387
16–24 2,981 71.3 28.8 857 DS 18.6 25.2 22.6 32.9
25–34 5,216 70.3 29.7 1,547 DS 15.2 27.2 24.5 32.5
35–44 5,307 66.6 33.4 1,774 1.9 15.0 38.1 19.2 25.8
45–54 5,765 66.5 33.5 1,932 3.2 12.1 48.2 15.2 21.4
55–64 3,169 65.5 34.5 1,094 5.7 8.5 61.1 11.2 13.5
65 and older 1,693 30.1 69.9 1,183 81.8 3.6 12.4 DS 1.7
Race/ethnicity 24,131 8,387
Non‐Latino White 9,049 61.8 38.2 3,460 23.2 6.7 46.5 10.2 13.3
Latino/Hispanic 8,640 67.7 32.3 2,791 5.6 19.6 21.3 23.3 30.1
Black/African‐American 598 57.5 42.5 254 12.6 10.6 38.2 18.5 20.1
Asian/Pacific Islander 645 53.3 46.7 301 20.3 14.6 34.6 13.3 17.3
Other/multiple 419 65.9 34.1 143 14.0 17.5 35.0 13.3 20.3
Unknown/missing 4,780 69.9 30.1 1,438 4.5 10.8 42.0 15.7 27.1
Injury severity 23,974 8,338
Minor (AIS 1–2) 17,767 66.9 33.2 5,889 8.8 12.3 37.2 17.6 24.2
Severe (AIS 3–6) 6,207 60.5 39.5 2,449 25.3 12.2 34.7 11.9 15.9
Colorado overall 5,793 67.1 32.9 1,905 8.4 1.8 41.6 6.8 41.4
Gender 5,793 1,905
Male 5,072 67.7 32.3 1,637 4.7 1.9 40.5 7.4 45.5
Female 721 62.8 37.2 268 31.0 DS 48.1 DS 16.4
Age 5,793 1,905
16–24 854 74.1 25.9 221 DS DS 25.3 7.2 64.7
25–34 1,386 70.6 29.4 407 DS DS 31.5 7.9 58.7
35–44 1,430 66.6 33.4 478 DS 2.3 41.8 8.6 46.9
45–54 1,157 66.8 33.2 384 DS DS 56.8 6.5 34.6
55–64 635 67.1 32.9 209 5.3 DS 64.1 7.2 20.6
65 and older 331 37.8 62.2 206 69.4 DS 27.2 DS DS
Race/ethnicity 5,793 1,905
Non‐Latino White 2,959 65.2 34.8 1,031 11.6 1.7 47.8 7.7 31.2
Latino/Hispanic 1,371 70.4 29.6 406 DS DS 20.4 7.4 67.7
Black/African‐American 91 62.6 37.4 34 DS DS DS DS 44.1
Asian/Pacific Islander 33 60.6 39.4 13 DS DS DS DS DS
Other/multiple 132 70.5 29.6 39 DS DS 28.2 DS 59.0
Unknown/missing 1,207 68.4 31.7 382 5.5 DS 50.0 3.7 39.5
Injury severity 5,739 1,897
Minor (AIS 1–2) 4,084 68.8 31.2 1,275 6.1 0.9 41.5 7.1 44.3
Severe (AIS 3–6) 1,655 62.4 37.6 622 13.2 3.5 41.6 6.1 35.5
New York overall 19,894 64.2 35.8 7,126 10.2 15.3 37.3 2.4 34.8
Gender 19,891 7,125
Male 17,457 65.0 35.0 6,104 5.1 16.2 37.7 2.4 38.6
Female 2,434 58.1 42.0 1,021 40.7 10.2 34.9 2.2 12.1
Age 19,894 7,126
16–24 2,259 62.2 37.8 854 DS 20.1 26.4 3.8 49.7
25–34 4,360 66.7 33.3 1,450 DS 18.1 29.3 3.0 49.3
35–44 5,187 66.7 33.3 1,726 1.4 17.5 38.4 1.8 40.9
45–54 4,372 66.4 33.7 1,471 2.2 16.1 49.3 2.5 30.0
55–64 2,449 66.2 33.9 829 4.7 12.6 60.0 2.3 20.5
65 and older 1,267 37.2 62.8 796 78.6 1.9 15.2 DS 3.3
Race/ethnicity 19,894 7,126
Non‐Latino White 10,942 67.4 32.6 3,563 15.7 8.5 49.4 2.3 24.1
Latino/Hispanic 3,301 61.6 38.4 1,268 2.8 26.3 21.3 3.1 46.5
Black/African‐American 1,979 60.4 39.6 783 5.8 20.4 32.4 2.3 39.1
Asian/Pacific Islander 537 52.5 47.5 255 5.9 26.3 24.3 DS 42.0
Other/multiple 2,497 59.8 40.2 1,003 4.0 19.7 23.3 1.1 51.8
Unknown/missing 638 60.2 39.8 254 12.6 11.4 29.5 6.3 40.2
Injury severity 19,767 7,085
Minor (AIS 1–2) 15,903 64.8 35.2 5,594 6.7 16.2 37.8 2.4 37.0
Severe (AIS 3–6) 3,864 61.4 38.6 1,491 23.8 12.1 35.3 2.2 26.6

Chi‐squared tests of independence were used to test associations between characteristics and payer distribution; all associations presented in this table were statistically significant, with p ≤ .01.

AIS, Abbreviated Injury Scale; DS, data suppressed due to small cell size (fewer than 11 discharges); WC, workers' compensation.