Figure 3. NID2 inhibits 2D and 3D clonogenic survival.
(A) Western blot analysis confirmed re-expression of NID2 in selected NPC (HONE1) and ESCC (KYSE30) cell lines, which have down-regulated NID2 expression. Over-expression of NID2 was detected in cell lysates, as well as being secreted into the conditioned media. Coomassie blue staining of total protein was used as a loading control for the conditioned media. (B) 2D colony formation assays of HONE1 and KYSE30 cells. Re-expression of NID2 significantly reduced their colony-forming abilities to around 40% (**p < 0.01). Data shown are the mean from three independent experiments ± S.D. (C) In 3D Matrigel culture, cells re-expressing NID2 resulted in significantly lower numbers of tumor spheres (≥ 100 μm), when compared to the VA in both NID2-expressing HONE1 and KYSE30 cells (**p < 0.01). Data shown are the mean from three independent experiments ± S.D.