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. 2017 Mar 13;8:233. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2017.00233

Table 5.

Human studies on ENL investigating other immunological factors.

Reference; study site(s) Study population Timing of sampling MDT status ENL treatment status Type of samples Measures Findings
Waters et al. (22); United Kingdom and Malaysia β 38 lepromatous ENL ND ND ND Serum Immunoglobulins No differences in immunoglobulin levels

Reichlin et al. (180); Malaysia 13 LL of which 7 ENL ND ND ND Blood Euglobulin IgG Levels of euglobulin IgG higher in the ENL-positive patients than in ENL-negative patients
Serum IgG

Anthony et al. (60); India β 25 LL ENL, 10 LL without ENL Active ENL lesions? ND ND Serum Immunoglobulins High levels of immunoglobulins in both LL and ENL

Harikrishan et al. (71); India β 20 active LL; 15 ENL during active and subsided phase; 20 HC ENL: during the active and subsided phase ND ND Plasma Immunoglobulins IgG, IgM, IgA Serum levels of IgG and IgM during subsidence of ENL were significantly lower compared to that during the active phase of ENL

Humphres et al. (181); USA 14 LL ENL, 28 BL/LL, 21 HC Multiple Serial sampling 10/19 LL patients untreated, 9/19 LL patients Dapsone Corticosteroids day prior to initial assay for NK activity and was continued through treatment PBMC Natural killer cell activity Natural killer cell activity significantly depressed in ENL

Rea and Yoshida (182); USA 108 leprosy (4 untreated ENL, 14 dapsone-treated active ENL, 10 dapsone-treated inactive ENL), 25 HC ND 54 untreated patients and others dapsone-treated Untreated Blood Macrophage migration inhibition activity Positive serum inhibitory activity strongly associated with reactional states (ENL or T1R or Lucio’s reaction) in both treated and untreated patients

Miller et al. (183); USA 9 leprosy: 3 T1Rs and 2 ENL Serial sampling from date of initiation of therapy until the first year of treatment On MDT Reactional episodes were treated with corticosteroids and 1 ENL received thalidomide Plasma Antibodies to Mycobacterial Arabinomannan High levels of antibody to Arabinomannan in 2 ENL patients

Narayanan et al. (89); India γ 35 leprosy patients: 7 LL with ENL, 6 BT, 6 BT with T1R, 4 BL, 5BL with T1R, 8 LL ND ND ND Skin B cells No increase of B cells in any of the lesions

Rea et al. (96); USA γ 19 ENL, 67 BL/LL 4 LL with Lucio’s, 13 T1R, 18 Tuberculoid, 13 Tuberculoid long-term treatment ND Some patients on MDT ENL before receiving thalidomide PBMC B-cells B-cell percentage in the PBMC of ENL similar LL

Schwerer et al. (184); USA 121 leprosy (including ENL), 28 contacts, 15 HC ND ND ND Serum Anti-PGL I IgM levels Serum anti-PGL I IgM levels lower in ENL compared to patients with comparable BI

Andreoli et al. (40); India 12 ENL ND All patients on MDT with specified duration Treated with prednisone and/or thalidomide Serum Circulatory IgM antibody levels to the PGL I; IgM, IgG, IgA antibody levels to M. leprae antigenic preparation During ENL: decrease of circulatory IgM antibody levels to PGL I but no significant change to IgG, IgM or IgA antibody levels to the soluble antigens from M. leprae

Laal et al. (94); India γ 15 ENL, 13 LL During active ENL and 1 week to 4 months after stopping treatment Treatment with combination antileprosy drugs was continued throughout First sample before initiation of antireactional treatment; second sample 1 week to 4 months after treatment PBMC B cells B-cell percentages in PBMC of ENL patients were similar to those of uncomplicated LL

Blavy et al. (185); Senegal 34 ENL and 50 leprosy patients ND ND ND Lymphocytes HLA phenotyping Not significant findings of any HLA phenotype regarding ENL

Levis et al. (186); USA ND ND ND ND Serum IgM and IgG antibodies to PGL-I ENL lower anti-PGL-I IgM than non-ENL of comparable BI

Rao and Rao (123); India γ 44 ENL, 39 LL, 22 post-ENL ENL cases before starting treatment for ENL, post-ENL after the patient had not taken anti-inflammatory drugs or steroids for at least 3 and 7 days From 39 non-reactional: 20 untreated and 19 with dapsone for less than a year ENL before starting ENL treatment, post-ENL after the patient had not taken anti-inflammatory drugs or steroids for at least 3 and 7 days Blood B lymphocytes in peripheral blood B cells: no difference between groups

Sehgal et al. (76); India β 21 patients with leprosy reactions either T1R or ENL ND ND ND B-cells Percentage and absolute count of B-cells; Immunoglobulins IgG, IgA, IgM During ENL a significant increase in the percentage and absolute count of B-lymphocytes Significantly elevated serum immunoglobulin values after subsidence of ENL

Levis et al. (187); USA 40 ENL, 63 leprosy without ENL, HC ND ND ND Serum IgM antibody to PGL-I; IgM and IgG Abs to M.tb and M. leprae LAM No correlation between IgM or IgG Ab to LAM and bacillary index

Rao and Rao (85); India 44 ENL, 39 lepromatous, 22 post-ENL ENL blood before starting ENL treatment, post-ENL after patient does not take any anti-inflammatory drugs or steroids for the last 3 or 7 days 20 patients no previous MDT and 19 treated with dapsone Before starting treatment with anti-inflammatory drugs or steroids Blood Leukocyte migration inhibition test Lower migratory indices to whole M. leprae during ENL

Rao and Rao (78); India β 44 ENL, 39 BL/LL, 22 post-ENL ENL before starting anti-ENL treatment, post-ENL ensuring that the patient had not taken anti-inflammatory drugs or steroids for at least 3 or 7 days 20 BL/LL untreated and 19 BL/LL treated with dapsone Before starting treatment with steroids or anti-inflammatory drugs Serum IgG, IgA, IgM IgG and IgM decreased in ENL than lepromatous and post-ENL
Serum IgA elevated in ENL than lepromatous group and further increase post-ENL

Filley et al. (168); India δ 7 ENL Before, during and after the episode All patients on MDT ENL was treated with steroids and/or thalidomide Serum %GO During ENL%GO transiently raised, and this rise parallels an increase in circulating IL2R

Bhoopat et al. (127); Thailand γ 57 ENL (19 acute/38 chronic), 61 active LL, 33 control patients whose leprosy had been cured 26 BL and 35 LL newly diagnosed and untreated ND When treatment with corticosteroids and/or thalidomide was initiated precise timing was recorded with respect to the time of collection of specimens Blisters induced over a representative skin lesion IgM antibody to PGL-I and Tac peptide IgM antibody to PGL-I and Tac peptide levels were elevated in chronic ENL lesions
Corticosteroids reduced IgM antibody to PGL-I but did not change the levels of Tac peptide

Ramanathan et al. (49); India β 26 BL/LL of which 11 ENL, 24 HC Blood was taken before initiation of treatment and then to 2-month intervals up to 20 months Untreated and then on MDT samples every 2 months Treated but after blood sampling Serum IgG, IgA and IgM ENL no significant relation with immunoglobulin levels

Sullivan et al. (173); USA δ ND ND ND ND Skin ICAM-1, ICAM-1 ligand LFA-1 Prominent keratinocyte ICAM-1 expression

Scollard et al. (82); Thailand β 4 cured leprosy, 10 leprosy (5BT, 3BL, 2LL), 8 ENL patients (5LL and 3BL), 3 T1R, 4 HC ND ND ND Blisters induced over representative skin lesion Immunoglobulins (IgG, IgA, IgM) to whole M. leprae and to PGL-I No statistically significant difference regarding immunoglobulins

Sehgal et al. (188); India 25 leprosy with reactions (of which 11 ENL), 20 leprosy without reactions, 10 HC ND On MDT Reactional patients on prednisolone Lymphocytes Lymphocyte adenosine deaminase activity (L-ADA) The patients with leprosy reactions (both ENL and T1Rs) had higher enzyme l-ADA than controls (the enzyme has a role in activation, differentiation and proliferation of lymphocytes)

Sampaio et al. (139); Brazil δ 49 BL/LL of which 24 ENL ENL at the time of developing ENL, during thalidomide treatment, or after thalidomide treatment MDT was continued through the study Certain ENL during thalidomide treatment Skin biopsies MCH II and ICAM-1 in histology MHC II and ICAM-1 on epidermal keratinocytes in ENL downregulated with thalidomide

Santos et al. (129); Brazil γ 10 ENL, 59 LL/BL, 4 T1R, 4 post-reactional ND On MDT No antireactional treatment before blood collection PBMC, Monocytes Monocyte activation by procoagulant activity, HLA-DR No significant difference in monocyte activation between the different groups No significant differences in HLA-DR between groups

Singh et al. (189); India 44 active ENL, 48 prior history of ENL, 125 stable lepromatous, 40 HC not endemic ND ND Untreated samples Serum Antibodies against B cell epitopes of M. leprae recombinant protein LSR Antibodies against a specific distinct peptide region only in patients undergoing ENL

Kifayet and Hussain (190); Pakistan 67 BL/LL acute ENL, 83 non-reactional BL/LL, 77 endemic HC ND Most on MDT but 83 non-reactional less than 2 weeks of MDT ND Plasma M. leprae-specific IgG subclasses Lower concentrations of all IgG subclasses during ENL but lower IgG1 and IgG3 during ENL before treatment

Kifayet et al. (191); Pakistan 13 ENL acute and post-remission of reaction, 16 non-reactional stable LL, 32 endemic HC During acute ENL (n = 13) and after the reaction has subsided ND ND Plasma IgG subclasses M. leprae-specific antibodies; Detection and enumeration of antibody-secreting B cells by ELISPOT Polyclonal IgG1 elevated in acute ENL compared LL controls and decreased when ENL subsided
IgG2 antibodies lower during acute ENL and increased after reaction has subsided
Discrepancy in serum concentrations and B cell frequency

Vieira et al. (131); Brazil γ, δ 95 MB leprosy (30 LL and 65 BL) of which 51 ENL At leprosy diagnosis and at onset of reactional episode Time of MDT for each ENL patients in study Sample before thalidomide and steroids? Serum Circulating anti-neural and antimycobacterial antibodies Detection of anti-neural (anti-ceramide and anti-galactocerebroside) antibodies in ENL sera
No difference between reactional and non-reactional lepromatous patients regarding IgM antibodies
Higher levels of anti-ceramide IgM and diminished levels of anti-galactocerebroside antibodies in reactional compared to non-reactional patients

Rojas et al. (50); Brazil β 19 ENL, 10 BL/LL non-ENL patients, 13 family contacts; 15 healthy non-contacts ND Both untreated patients and patients on MDT for 1-72 months ND Serum Anti-PGL-I IgM, IgG responses to recombinant 10-kDa heat shock protein IgM anti-PGL-I and IgG anti-10-kDa heat shock protein antibodies were constituents of the immune complexes in patients with ENL while free antibody levels did not differentiate between ENL and non-ENL patients

Beuria et al. (192); India 18 ENL, 44 BL/LL, 62 BT/TT, 17 HC ND Most patients on MDT ND Serum IgG subclass levels to M. leprae sonicated antigens (MLSA) and PGL-I ENL patients showed a significant fall in IgG3 antibody to MLSA and PGL-I compared to BL/LL leprosy controls

Freire et al. (193); Brazil 59 leprosy (including 12 ENL), 60 HC ND 11/12 ENL were on MDT and 1/12 with dapsone ND Serum Anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (ANCA) ANCA are present in 28.8% of leprosy patients but are not related to vasculitis in the ENL reaction and are not a marker of a specific clinical from

Partida-Sanchez et al. (142); Mexico δ 9 ENL, 10 non-ENL leprosy, 10 HC Beginning of reaction and after 1 and 2 months of thalidomide All patients on MDT Before thalidomide, second sample after 1 month of thalidomide and third after 2 months Plasma IgM and IgG antibody subclasses to M. leprae sonicated extract ENL at the onset of reaction had slightly higher anti-M. leprae IgG1 and IgG2 antibodies compared to non-ENL but not statistically significant

Stefani et al. (194); Brazil 600 leprosy: 31 ENL, 45 T1R, HC Untreated Before MDT treatment Untreated Serum IgM and IgG anti-PGL-I Patients presenting with T1R or ENL at leprosy diagnosis have same level of IgM anti-PGL-I antibody response as leprosy patients without reactions at diagnosis

Beuria et al. (195); India 44 BL/LL, 62 TT/BT, 18 ENL, 15 T1R, 17 HC ND BL/LL: 90% on MDT Steroids after collection of samples Serum IgG1, IgG2, IgG3 and IgG4 to LAM Reduction in IgG3 in ENL compared to active BL/LL
Higher IgG1 in ENL than T1R
TT/BT: mostly untreated

Hamerlinck et al. (196); Philippines, Netherlands 13 ENL, 22 T1R, 26 leprosy unreactional, 10 HC Serial samples during MDT: 2 ENL follow-up and received corticosteroids, 14 leprosy free of reactions, 4 T1R 6, 12, 18, 30 months during follow-up 13 ENL before MDT, 2 ENL during MDT During ENL before treatment Serum Neopterin T1R and ENL higher neopterin levels compared to non-reactional individuals
Corticosteroid treatment reduces levels of neopterin

Mahaisavariya et al. (197); Thailand 95 leprosy patients: 63 non-reactional, 19 T1R, 13 ENL A biopsy at time of diagnosis and an additional biopsy later, in some cases at the time of reaction ND Before antireactional treatment? Skin Mast cells Reduction of mast cell counts in both T1R and ENL compared to non-reactional patients

Schon et al. (198); Ethiopia 4 ENL, 5 T1R ND ENL cases: 2 MDT untreated and 2 MDT-treated Steroids Urine Urinary levels of metabolites of NO Urinary nitric oxide metabolites decreased significantly after steroid treatment

Antunes et al. (199); Brazil 3 ENL, 3 T1R First biopsy during reactional episode and second during remission On MDT Thalidomide for ENL Skin Neuropeptides; quantification of mast cells and their subsets Increase mast cells in the inflammatory infiltrate of the reactional (both T1R and ENL) biopsies compared to non-reactional

Rada et al. (200); Venezuela 29 ENL, 19 MB not reactional, 11 PB, 28 HC Before treatment Untreated samples Untreated samples Serum Nitrite/Nitrate levels Supernatants of PBMC from ENL patients significantly elevated levels of nitrite/nitrates compared to LL or tuberculoid leprosy

Sunderkotter et al. (201); Brazil Skin Biopsies: 41 non-reactional leprosy, 8 ENL, 10 T1R; Serum samples: 16ENL, 5RR, 7TT, 13BT/BB/LL, 19 HC Untreated samples Skin biopsies: 42 untreated non-reactional leprosy Before treatment with steroids or thalidomide Serum
MRP8, MRP14 Increase of serum levels of MRP8 and MRP14 in ENL
Higher percentage of MRP8+ and MRP14+ cells in ENL skin lesions than non-reactional
8 ENL of which 5 MDT

Nigam et al. (202); India 80 leprosy: 10 ENL and 10 T1R; 20 HC ND ND ND Serum Deaminase Deaminase levels were higher in patients with reaction

Villahermosa et al. (134); Philippines γ, δ 22 ENL Before thalidomide administration and at study weeks 3 and 7 during thalidomide treatment MDT was continued during the study Samples untreated for antireactional drugs and during thalidomide treatment Urine Neopterin ENL higher neopterin values in urine than HC

Iyer et al. (143); Indonesia δ 131 leprosy patients (44 ENL), 112 HC ND Patients were classified irrespective of MDT status Prednisolone to treat reactions Plasma Neopterin Neopterin no significant difference between ENL and non-ENL

Mohanty et al. (203); India 14 ENL before and after resolution of ENL, 5 LL Before commencing antireactional therapy and after resolution of ENL All patients on MDT Before commencing antireactional treatment Urine Urinary nitric oxide metabolites Urinary nitric oxide metabolite higher in ENL compared to non-reactional LL
These levels were reduced with resolution of reaction following antireactional therapy

Santos et al. (204); Brazil 8 leprosy: 3 ENL ND MDT during the study: length of MDT described Thalidomide during the study PBMC B7-1 expression (flow cytometry and IHC) Higher B7 expression in ENL and T1R patients than non-reactional in both PBMC and cutaneous lesions

Silva et al. (205); Brazil 25 leprosy: 5 ENL and 8 T1R 0, 2, 4, 6, and 12 months of MDT All patients on MDT Untreated Plasma PGL-I levels Serum PGL-I levels did not differ significantly between ENL and non-ENL
Neopterin No significant correlation of neopterin between ENL and non-ENL

Brito Mde et al. (206); Brazil 104 reactions after completion of MDT (44 ENL), 104 with no post-treatment reactions (8 ENL) ND All patients were treated with MDT; half had finished MDT ND Plasma ML flow (IgM anti-PGL-I positive serology) The patients with positive serology after MDT presented a 10.4 fold greater chance of developing post-treatment reactions (ENL or T1R)

Iyer et al. (207); Indonesia 78 leprosy (36 ENL and 3 T1R), 36 HC ND 30 untreated and 48 treated patients Reactions were treated using prednisolone Serum Chitotriocidase Serum chitotriosidase activity elevated in ENL compared with HC but not with non-ENL leprosy
Skin Significant decline of serum chitotriosidase following corticosteroid treatment in ENL

Lee et al. (24); USA α 6 ENL, 7 LL ND ND ND Skin Microarrays and gene expression; IHC for E-selectin Upregulation of gene expression: in ENL lesions of the selectin family of adhesion molecules
IHC: higher levels of E-selectin in ENL lesions

Massone et al. (116); Brazil γ 20 leprosy biopsies (3 ENL) Biopsies at the time of diagnosis 10, 12 and 13 months after beginning of MDT for LL Untreated Skin Presence, frequency and distribution of plasmacytoid dendritic cells CD123 expression was observed in 2/3 ENL biopsies

Rada et al. (135); Venezuela γ 81 LL, 41 BL, 41 BB, 3% BT ND ND ND Blood Serological immunological tests to various mycobacterial proteins Mean antibody values against complete mycobacterial proteins higher in non-reactional individuals

Teles et al. (176); Brazil δ 32 leprosy: 10 ENL, 8 T1R 4 ENL patients before and during reaction biopsy samples All patients were receiving MDT ND Skin MMP-2, MMP-9, TIMP-1 RT-PCR for MMP-2 and MMP-9 versus TIMP-1 in ENL sequential samples in 4 ENL patients: TNF-α, MMP-2 and MMP-9 mRNA enhanced IHC and confocal microscopy: absence of MMP positivity in ENL epidermis ELISA in sera of ENL: elevated MMP-9 but not TIMP-1 compared to non-reactional patients

Jadhav et al. (149); India δ 303 MB followed up for 2 years: 5 ENL Serum samples at the time of recruitment Newly registered MB patients: no MDT Untreated Serum Antibodies to PGL-I, LAM, ceramide, S100 No statistically significant outcome for ENL

Lockwood et al. (178); India δ 303 new MB leprosy (13 ENL) Skin biopsies at enrollment Before MDT treatment started Before antireactional treatment Skin Immunostaining for CD68 and iNOS Reactional biopsies had significantly fewer CD68+ cells than non-reactional
Nearly all biopsies in the LL group had CD68+ cells present and these were not altered in ENL
Nerve ENL showed some iNOS staining but not significant differences with non-ENL

Martiniuk et al. (179); Nepal and USA δ 7 ENL Pre- and post-treatment with thalidomide ND Pre- and post- treatment with thalidomide Skin RT-PCR for hRORγT, hCD70, hCD27, hPLZF-1, hCTLA4, hAHR, hiNOS2, hARNT, hIDO, hGARP, hCD46 Reduction in CD70, GARP, IDO and increase of RORγT, ARNT following thalidomide treatment

Singh et al. (208); India 240 leprosy: 19 ENL, 69 BL/LL ND ND ND Serum IgG antibodies against keratin No significant difference in ENL

Dupnik et al. (58); Brazil β, δ 11 ENL, 11 T1R, 19 leprosy controls without reactions for microarray; additional 28 leprosy (6 ENL, 11 T1R, 11 non-reactional) for qPCR validation; 3 ENL for IHC ND 3/11 ENL pre-treatment, 2/11 ENL on treatment and 6/11 post-treatment; leprosy controls matched for stage of treatment Excluded patients on steroids within 7 days and thalidomide within 28 days of enrollment PBMC Microarray and qPCR for transcriptional profile of PBMC; Flow cytometry for monocyte populations Top 3 KEGG pathways in ENL were S.aureus infection, SLE, cytokine-cytokine receptor interaction
No significant difference in the proportion of circulating monocytes between reactional and non-reactional PBMC

Mandal et al. (209); India 15 reactional (both ENL and T1R), 15 HC ND ND ND PBMC Vitamin D receptor (VDR) mRNA All the individuals with low VDR expression manifested ENL

Dias et al. (80); Brazil δ 30 ENL, 24 BL/LL, 31 HC Upon diagnosis of reaction BL/LL before MDT but most ENL on MDT Before treatment with thalidomide or steroids PBMC (monocytes, B-cells, pDCs) Expression of TLR9 Skin lesions and PBMC of ENL express higher levels of TLR-9

Schmitz et al. (25); Brazil α 62 leprosy: 22 ENL, 16 HC ENL: before and 7 days after thalidomide Patients before and after MDT Before and after thalidomide Skin CD64 expression by qPCR and IHC CD64 mRNA and protein expressed in ENL lesions
Thalidomide reduced CD64 expression

α, also in Table 1; β, also in Table 2; γ, also in Table 3; δ, also in Table 4.

BB, mid-borderline leprosy; BL, borderline lepromatous leprosy; BT, borderline tuberculoid leprosy; ENL, erythema nodosum leprosum; HC, healthy controls; ICAM-1, keratinocyte intracellular adhesion molecule 1; ICs, immune complexes; LAM, lipoarabinomannan; LL, lepromatous leprosy polar; MLSA, M. leprae sonicated antigens; ND, not described; PGL I, phenolic glycolipid I; SLE, systemic lupus erythematosus; TB, tuberculosis; TT, tuberculoid leprosy; polar,%GO, proportion of oligosaccharide chains on the Fc fragment of IgG which terminate with N-acetylglucosamine and not galactose.