Fig. S1.
Evidence for spontaneous release driving postsynaptic mCaTs. (A) A typical neuron expressing GCaMP3. White box indicates the area imaged to record spontaneous and uncaging-evoked activity shown in Inset. (Scale bar, 20 μm.) (Inset) Yellow circles indicate ROIs and correspond to fluorescence traces in B. (B) Left shows representative mCaTs recorded under spontaneous conditions for spines 1 and 2. Right shows representative calcium transients recorded following MNI-glutamate uncaging (0.2-ms light pulses) on three sequential trials at the same spine. (C) Correlation of mCaT frequency with FM4-64 staining. mCaT frequency plotted as a function of FM4-64 intensity, n = 1,689 spines. Spearman’s coefficient, P < 0.0001. (D) Cumulative frequency distributions for mCaT frequency for each spine, where each plot is color matched to a different bin for FM4-64 intensity shown in the key to the Right. Inset histograms show the number of spines included within each FM4-64 intensity bin. (E) The 80th percentile values for frequency obtained from the cumulative frequency graphs, plotted as a function of FM4-64 intensity. Spearman’s coefficient: P = 0.006.