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. 2017 Feb 21;114(10):E2006–E2015. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1700662114

Table S1.

Two-factorial ANOVA and post hoc analysis of in vivo analysis in rats

Effect SS Degree of freedom MS F P
Distal 1 RMS
 Intercept 15,620.13 1 15,620.13 1,360.608 0.000000
 Treatment 1,794.45 1 1,794.45 156.308 0.000000
 Location 451.78 1 451.78 39.353 0.000011
 Treatment*location 12.05 1 12.05 1.050 0.320806
 Error 183.68 16 11.48
 Cell no. Bonferroni test; variable sqrtr Scgn+ cell number
Probabilities for post hoc tests
Error: between MS = 11.48, df = 16
Treatment Location [1] (24.003) [2] (12.945) [3] (41.395) [4] (33.442)
  1 Control Marginal 0.000569 0.000003 0.002658
  2 Control Axis 0.000569 0.000000 0.000000
  3 Bulbectomy Marginal 0.000003 0.000000 0.011379
  4 Bulbectomy Axis 0.002658 0.000000 0.011379
Distal 2 RMS
 Intercept 13,675.81 1 13,675.81 1,514.256 0.000000
 Treatment 1,595.27 1 1,595.27 176.636 0.000000
 Location 426.40 1 426.40 47.213 0.000004
 Treatment*location 12.56 1 12.56 1.391 0.255439
 Error 144.50 16 9.03
 Cell no. Bonferroni test; variable sqrtr Scgn+ cell number
Probabilities for post hoc tests
Error: between MS = 9.03, df = 16
Treatment Location [1] (22.628) [2] (11.808) [3] (38.905) [4] (31.256)
  1 Control Marginal 0.000200 0.000001 0.002012
  2 Control Axis 0.000200 0.000000 0.000000
  3 Bulbectomy Marginal 0.000001 0.000000 0.005880
  4 Bulbectomy Axis 0.002012 0.000000 0.005880
Distal 3 RMS
 Intercept 10,765.17 1 10,765.17 1,254.685 0.000000
 Treatment 985.11 1 985.11 114.815 0.000000
 Location 446.42 1 446.42 52.031 0.000002
 Treatment*location 7.82 1 7.82 0.911 0.353953
 Error 137.28 16 8.58
 Cell no. Bonferroni test; variable sqrtr Scgn+ cell number
Probabilities for post hoc tests
Error: between MS = 8.58, df = 16
Treatment Location [1] (21.532) [2] (10.832) [3] (34.318) [4] (26.119)
  1 Control Marginal 0.000170 0.000021 0.148985
  2 Control Axis 0.000170 0.000000 0.000002
  3 Bulbectomy Marginal 0.000021 0.000000 0.002545
  4 Bulbectomy Axis 0.148985 0.000002 0.002545

Quantitative analysis of secretagogin+ neurons in rats after bulbectomy in the axial and marginal regions of the RMS. Treatment: bulbectomy vs. control. Location: marginal vs. axial. MS, mean of squares; SS, sum of squares; variable sqrtr, variable under square root transformation.