Figure 3.
Analysis of FA C=C location isomers from human plasma. (a) PB-MS/MS of tagged FA 18:1 (m/z 339.3). Two isomers with C=C at T9 and T11 positions are detected. (b) Calibration curve for relative quantitation of FA 18:1 T9 and T11 isomers. (c) Calibration curve for total FA 18:1 quantitation based on 58 Da NLS of FA 18:1 mixtures consisting of 91.5% T9 and 8.5% T11 isomers. (d) PB-MS/MS of an equal molar mixture of ω-3 and ω-6 FA 18:3 isomers (m/z 343.3 lithiated ions). (e) PB-MS/MS of zoomed-in regions for C=C diagnostic ions of FA 18:3 from human plasma. ω-3 FA 18:3 is more abundant than ω-6 isomer.