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. 2017 Mar 14;17:202. doi: 10.1186/s12913-017-2136-0

Table 1.

CogChamps – Project Timeline and Key Activities

Timeline Activity
12 months prior to project commencement Preparation of funding application.
The project plan and timeline were prepared well in advance of project commencement. The hospital executive has agreed to support the project should the funding application be successful.
6 months prior to project commencement Build buy-in.
Two members of the research team who work at the IH (FG, AH) liaised with the Nurse Unit Managers of each ward, and Nursing Directors to inform them of the project and garner their support.
At project commencement Establishment of a Steering Committee.
To provide support, guidance and expertise for the project at the Executive level.
The Steering Committee will meet regularly throughout the project and will be provided with regular project updates via email.
At project commencement Nurse Unit Managers were asked to nominate experienced nurses with an interest in cognitive impairment or nurses with leadership potential, to become Cognition Champions (CogChamps).
Six nurses from each intervention ward (including some Nurse Educators) have been identified and have agreed to become CogChamps
Pre-intervention Data Collection 1 (baseline) – pre-intervention
Details of the data collected and instruments used are provided in Table 2.
Intervention(Education) – Educating and empowering the CogChamps The CogChamps will participate in two full day workshops, which will be held approximately 2 months apart (due to rostering issues).
Workshop 1 will focus on dementia and delirium education.
Workshop 2 will focus on Preceptorship training and the development of ward specific Action Plans by the CogChamps.
In the month following workshop 1, each CogChamp’s competency in administering and interpreting the CAM will be consolidated by having an expert conduct a second live observation of the CogChamp performing a CAM. If necessary, the observation will be repeated until the CogChamp is deemed to be competent in administering and interpreting the CAM.
Post Education Intervention Data Collection 2 – Post CogChamps Workshops
Intervention (Implementation)– Implementation of Action plans by CogChamps
4–6 months
CogChamps will be supported to (1) refine the Action plans developed in Workshop 2, and (2) implement their Action Plans.
Appointment of facilitators to support and mentor the CogChamps.
The external (expert) facilitator will maintain regular (at least fortnightly) contact with the CogChamps.
Two CogChamps will be seconded from their home wards (one from each of the medical and surgical wards) to work full-time on the CogChamps project for a period of 4–6 weeks.
Post – Implementation Data Collection 3 – Post Intervention
Withdrawal of the Research Team from CogChamp activities
Qualitative interviews with CogChamps
3 months Post Implementation Intervention Data Collection 5 - Follow-Up data collection