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. 2017 Mar 14;6:54. doi: 10.1186/s13643-017-0433-7

Table 1.

Example search for the CINAHL database to identify quality of-life literature for people with dysvascular partial foot and transtibial amputation

Search Field code Search term(s)
1. MH “Amputation”
2. MH “Amputees”
3. TI,AB,SU (amput* AND (major OR lowerlimb* OR “lower limb”* OR “lower extremit*” OR “limb loss” OR LEA OR LLA))
4. TI,AB,SU (amput* AND (transtibial OR “trans tibial” OR belowknee OR “below knee” OR (below W2 knee) OR TTA OR BKA))
5. TI,AB,SU (amput* AND (minor OR “partial foot” OR Chopart* OR Lisfranc* OR tarsometatarsal OR transmetatarsal OR midtarsal OR “mid tarsal” OR midfoot OR “midfoot” OR ray OR phalangeal OR metatarsophalangeal OR toe* OR transtarsal OR “trans tarsal” OR TMT OR TMA OR MTP OR PFA))
6. 1 OR 2 OR 3 OR 4 OR 5
7. TI,AB,SU SF 36 OR SF36 OR “Medical Outcome* Study Short Form*” OR “Medical Outcome* Study Short-Form*” OR “MOS SF 36” OR “MOS SF36” OR “Sickness Impact Profile*” OR “SIP” ((“Trinity Amputation and Prosthe* Experience”) W1 (Survey OR Scale*)) OR TAPES OR “Prosthe* Evaluation Questionnaire” OR PEQ OR “WHO QOL BREF” OR “WHO QOLBREF” OR “WHOQOLBREF” OR ((WHO OR “World Health Organi#ation”) W1 (“Quality of Life BREF” OR “Quality of Life Scale”)) OR “RAND36” OR “RAND 36” OR “Orthotic*and Prosthetic* User* Survey” OR OPUS OR ((“Health Related”) W1 “Quality of Life”) OR HRQOL OR “Life Satisfaction Questionnaire* 9” OR “LiSat 9” OR “Satisfaction With Life Scale” OR SWLS OR “Quality of Well Being” OR QWB* OR “Quality of Life Index” OR QLI OR “EuroQOL*” OR “Euro QOL” OR EQ5D OR “EQ 5D” OR “Assessment of Quality of Life” OR AQoL OR (Orthotic* W2 “prosthetic* user* survey”) OR “Attitude to Artificial Limb* Questionnaire” OR AALQ
8 6 AND 7
9. Limit 8 to English language
10. Limit 9 to publication date: 01.01.2000 to 31.12.2015
11. Limit 10 to peer reviewed, academic journals

Field codes: MH Exact major and minor subject headings (MeSH, National Library of Medicine Medical Subject Headings), TI Title, AB Abstract, SU Subject. Asterisk denotes wildcards used to capture truncation or variation of the search terms