(A) Urmylation of Ahp1 is suppressed at 39°C. An
urm1∆ strain expressing TAP-URM1
was grown to logarithmic growth phase and split into two cultures prior
to cultivation at 30°C or 39°C for three hours (h). Ahp1 urmylation
analysis involved anti-TAP-based EMSA and immune blots with anti-Ahp1 to
detect non-conjugated (free) Ahp1. Protein loading was controlled with
anti-Cdc19 antibodies.
(B) tRNAGln, tRNALys and
tRNAGlu (tQKE) overexpression cannot rescue defective
Ahp1 urmylation at 39°C. Except for tQKE overexpression from multi-copy
vector pQKE (Table S3), cell growth at 30°C or 39°C and urmylation
analysis were as described in (A). Arrows (A, B) indicate the positions
of non-conjugated (free) forms of TAP-Urm1 and Ahp1, as well as TAP-Urm1
conjugated to Ahp1 and loading control Cdc19.