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. 2017 Mar 14;4:170010. doi: 10.1038/sdata.2017.10

Table 3. Sequence parameters of resting state fMRI datasets at each data collection included in the primary ABIDE II.

Collection FA TE TR BW PA PF PE FS SO SA Gap Recon resolution (mm)
    Recon image Matrix (px)
Nacq Ndisc TA
Label ° ms ms Hz/Px % RO PE SL RO PH SL min:sec
All data were collected with echo planar imaging (EPI) sequences. BW, bandwidth per pixel; Dims, dimensions; FA, flip angle; FS, fat suppression; Gap, gap between slices; Nacq, number of volumes collected; Ndisc, number of initial volumes discarded by the scanner; PA, parallel acquisition; PE, Phase encoding; PF, Partial Fourier (half scan); SA, slice acquisition order; SO, slice orientation; TA, acquisition time; TE, echo time; TR, repetition time. For parallel acquisition the acceleration technology and dimension are listed followed by the acceleration factor, AP, ASSET acceleration in the phase encoding direction; GP, GRAPPA acceleration in the phase encoding direction; MB, multi-band imaging; SP, SENSE acceleration in the phase encoding direction. For partial Fourier, the under-sampled dimension is listed with the under sampling factor, P, phase encoding. For slice orientation; T, transverse (axial), and TO, transverse oblique. For phase encoding direction; RL, right-to-left; AP, Anterior to posterior. For slice acquisition order; A, ascending; D, descending; IA, interleaved ascending and ID, interleaved descending. Reconstructed resolution and image dimensions refer to the images after they have been reconstructed from the k-space data, the matrix size and resolution used for the acquisition may differ. For these categories, RO, read out direction; PE, phase encoding direction, and SL, slice direction.
ABIDEII-BNI_1 80 25 3,000 3,280 SP2 AP N T A 0 3.75 3.75 4.00 64 64 50 120 0 6:09
ABIDEII-EMC_1 85 30 2,000 7,812 AP T ID 0 3.59 3.59 4.00 64 64 37 160 5:20
ABIDEII-ETH_1 90 25 2,000 1,590 SP2.5 AP Y T D 10 3.00 3.00 3.30 80 80 40 210 0 7:06
ABIDEII-GU_1 90 30 2,000 2,442 GP2 AP N T IA 20 3.00 3.00 3.00 64 64 43 154* 2 5:14
ABIDEII-IU_1 60 28 813 2,604 MB3 AP Y TO IA 0 3.44 3.44 3.40 64 64 42 433 2 6:00
ABIDEII-IP_1 90 45 2,700 2,213 AP Y T A 0 3.60 3.70 4.00 64 64 32 85 2 7:55
ABIDEII-KKI_1 75 30 2,500 2,697 SP3 AP Y T A 0 3.00 3.00 3.00 96 96 47 156 2 6:40
ABIDEII-KUL_3 90 30 2,500 2,188 SP2 AP Y T A 14.8 1.56 1.56 3.10 128 128 45 162 4 7:00
ABIDEII-NYU_1 90 15 2,000 3,906 RL Y TO IA 0 3.00 3.00 4.00 80 64 33 180 2 6:00
ABIDEII-NYU_2 82 30 2,000 3,906 RL Y T IA 0 3.00 3.00 3.00 80 64 34 180 2 6:00
ABIDEII-OHSU_1 90 30 2,500 2,298 AP Y TO IA 0 3.75 3.75 3.80 64 64 36 120 2 5:07
ABIDEII-ONRC_2 60 30 475 2,604 MB8 AP Y T IA 0 3.00 3.00 3.00 80 80 48 947 2 7:37
ABIDEII-SDSU_1 90 30 2,000 7,813 A AP N T IA 0 3.44 3.44 3.40 64 64 42 180 5 6:10
ABIDEII-TCD_1 90 27 2,000 2,420 AP Y T A 10.94 3.00 3.00 3.20 80 80 37 210 0 7:06
ABIDEII-UCD_1 90 24 2,000 2,232 AP Y TO IA 0 3.50 3.50 3.50 64 64 36 151 2 5:06
ABIDEII-UCLA_1 90 28 3,000 2,442 AP Y TO IA 0 3.00 3.00 4.00 64 64 34 120 2 6:06
ABIDEII-USM_1 90 28 2,000 2,894 GP2 AP Y TO IA 10 3.40 3.40 3.00 64 64 40 240 2 8:06
ABIDEII-UCLA_Long 90 28 3,000 2,442 AP Y TO IA 0 3.00 3.00 4.00 64 64 34 120 2 6:06
ABIDEII-UPSM_Long 70 25 1,500 3,126 AP Y TO IA 0 3.13 3.13 4.00 64 64 29 200 2 5:06

*GU discarded the first 2 scans in addition to the 2 discarded by the sequence resulting in 152 volumes.

For the KKI_1 collection, an 8-channel head coil was used for n=149 datasets and a 32-channel head coil was used for n=62 datasets—see Table 1.

One R-fMRI datasets was collected with different EPI sequence with voxel size 3.5×3.5×4—specifics are provided in the ABIDE II website (