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. 2017 Mar 1;26(1):51–58.

Table 1.

Sample Characteristics

Total (n=27) Tried on clozapine (n=13) Not tried on clozapine (n=14) Fisher’s exact

Categorical Variable n % n % n %
 Male 22 81.5 12 92 10 71 0.33
 Female 5 18.5 1 8 4 29
 Caucasian 14 52 6 46 8 57 0.58
 Afro-carribean 3 11 2 15 1 7
 Aboriginal 4 15 1 8 3 21
 Other (eg. Iranian, South East Asian, Mixed race) 6 22 4 31 2 14
 Schizophrenia/Schizoaffective Disorder 21 12 7 0.06
 Bipolar Disorder with psychotic symptoms 3 0 3
 Psychosis NOS 5 1 4
Level of Psychosis at First Data Entry
 0 = residual symptoms 5 2 3 1.00
 1= partial symptoms 5 2 3
 2 = florid symptoms 17 9 8
Placement Status at First Data Entry
 Inpatient 17 8 9 1.00
 Outpatient 10 5 5

Continuous/ Ordinal Variable Wilcoxon Rank-Sum test

Age at First Data Entry
 15 2 7.4 2 15 0 0 0.03*
 16 11 40.7 7 54 4 29
 17 14 51.9 4 31 10 71
Motivation to reduce use at last observation prior “time zero”.
 Low 19 73.1 10 83 9 64 0.24
 Medium 2 7.7 1 8 1 7
 High 5 19.2 1 8 4 26
Severity of THC use at baseline
 0 = hardly ever 1 0 1a 0.60
 1 = less than once a month 1 1a 0
 2 = once a month 3 2 1
 3 = 2–3 times per month 4 2 2
 6 = > 5 times a week 18 8 10

Median IQR Med IQR Med IQR

Duration of Treatment (months) 14 9–23 21 14–23 11.5 9–16 0.02*

These patients had met criteria for cannabis use disorder prior to first data entry and so were still included in our sample as there was high potential for relapse.


indicates p<0.05