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. 2016 Feb 23;127(600):445–494. doi: 10.1111/ecoj.12282

Table 8.

Effect Sizes for Quality and Other Practice Characteristics

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Co‐efficient Extra metres for 1 unit increase Extra metres for 1 SD increase Average marginal effect Patients gained from 1 SD increase Percentage increase in practice list from 1 SD increase
QOF total points 2006/7 0.00222 2.96 191 0.0000786 917 16.48
(0.00016) (0.22) (14) (0.0000129) (94) (1.69)
Average GP age (months) −0.00214 −2.85 −229 −0.0000758 −1,002 −18.01
(0.00014) (0.19) (15) 0.0000062) (51) (0.92)
% female GPs 0.00239 3.18 79 0.0000845 351 6.31
(0.00034) (0.45) (11) (0.0000130) (34) (0.61)
% non‐Europ qualif GPs −0.00527 −7.02 −247 −0.0001867 −1,085 −19.50
(0.00028) (0.39) (14) (0.0000192) (70) (1.26)

Extra metres: number of extra metres patients would be willing to travel for practice characteristic greater by 1 unit (column (2)) or 1 SD units (column (3)) increase in characteristic. Average marginal effect: average change in probability of patients from an LSOA choosing a practice from 1 unit increase in characteristic (1 QOF point, 1 month of average GP age, 1% female and non‐European qualified GPs). Patients gained: number of additional patients aged 25 and over choosing a practice if characteristic increased by 1 SD. Average marginal effects, average estimated patients gained and % increase in list are computed for the 415 practices which have at least 99% of their patients from LSOAs in the East Midlands. Standard errors are in parentheses. All coefficients and effects are significant at 0.1%. See Appendix B for details of calculations.