Table C10.
Choice Models for LSOA Samples Stratified by Socio‐economic Characteristics and Population Mobility: Full Results
Urban | Rural | Lower inc depriv | Higher inc depriv | Better education | Worse education | |
QOF 2006/7 total points | 0.00224*** | 0.00188*** | 0.00249*** | 0.00144*** | 0.00238*** | 0.00181*** |
(0.00014) | (0.00046) | (0.00019) | (0.00026) | (0.00019) | (0.00028) | |
Distance | −0.8730*** | −0.6706*** | −0.7714*** | −0.7755*** | −0.7450*** | −0.8383*** |
(0.0172) | (0.0263) | (0.0175) | (0.0350) | (0.0179) | (0.0320) | |
Practice in different PCT | −0.865*** | −0.842*** | −0.862*** | −0.988*** | −0.863*** | −0.941*** |
(0.04602) | (0.09952) | (0.04694) | (0.13059) | (0.04887) | (0.10134) | |
Average GP age (year) | −0.0256*** | −0.0308*** | −0.0286*** | −0.0177*** | −0.0279*** | −0.0165*** |
(0.00168) | (0.00494) | (0.00196) | (0.00264) | (0.00191) | (0.00286) | |
Prop female GPs | 0.260*** | 0.116 | 0.239*** | 0.228*** | 0.220*** | 0.299*** |
(0.03347) | (0.11182) | (0.04103) | (0.05126) | (0.03883) | (0.06451) | |
Prop Non‐Europ qualif GPs | −0.503*** | −0.660*** | −0.619*** | −0.345*** | −0.590*** | −0.360*** |
(0.02814) | (0.10125) | (0.03426) | (0.04579) | (0.03273) | (0.05376) | |
Opted out | 0.251*** | −0.0678 | 0.122** | 0.384*** | 0.110** | 0.379*** |
(0.03659) | (0.08787) | (0.04170) | (0.07258) | (0.04231) | (0.07176) | |
PMS contract | 0.244*** | −0.161* | 0.0945* | 0.419*** | 0.0968* | 0.373*** |
(0.03219) | (0.08160) | (0.03693) | (0.06409) | (0.03800) | (0.06042) | |
MRS | 0.00256*** | 0.00281*** | 0.00323*** | 0.00186*** | 0.00320*** | 0.00216*** |
(0.00017) | (0.00070) | (0.00026) | (0.00034) | (0.00026) | (0.00033) | |
BIC | 9327639 | 2243349 | 8954600 | 2610534 | 9289002 | 2295492 |
McFadden R2 | 0.3699 | 0.5014 | 0.4138 | 0.3515 | 0.3997 | 0.4001 |
N LSOA | 2,100 | 770 | 2,295 | 575 | 2,295 | 575 |
N GP practices | 796 | 854 | 971 | 672 | 968 | 738 |
N patients | 2,404,472 | 946,089 | 2,711,039 | 639,522 | 2,701,394 | 649,167 |
Better health | Worse health | Less Asian | More Asian | LessPopinflow | MorePopinflow | |
QOF 2006/7 total points | 0.00253*** | 0.00139*** | 0.00213*** | 0.00240*** | 0.00218*** | 0.00248*** |
(0.00018) | (0.00029) | (0.00020) | (0.00020) | (0.00019) | (0.00025) | |
Distance | −0.7360*** | −0.8782*** | −0.7787*** | −0.7607*** | −0.7789*** | −0.6482*** |
(0.0178) | (0.0340) | (0.0179) | (0.0319) | (0.0178) | (0.0367) | |
Practice in different PCT | −0.863*** | −0.963*** | −0.967*** | −0.609*** | −0.896*** | −0.795*** |
(0.04759) | (0.12289) | (0.05478) | (0.06546) | (0.04863) | (0.09739) | |
Average GP age (year) | −0.0273*** | −0.0212*** | −0.0268*** | −0.0230*** | −0.0269*** | −0.0221*** |
(0.00187) | (0.00321) | (0.00209) | (0.00221) | (0.00195) | (0.00264) | |
Prop female GPs | 0.259*** | 0.166** | 0.141*** | 0.486*** | 0.237*** | 0.232*** |
(0.03949) | (0.05964) | (0.04250) | (0.04716) | (0.04094) | (0.05700) | |
Prop Non‐Europ qualif GPs | −0.557*** | −0.429*** | −0.579*** | −0.421*** | −0.565*** | −0.417*** |
(0.03198) | (0.05832) | (0.03739) | (0.03780) | (0.03460) | (0.04175) | |
Opted out | 0.154*** | 0.240** | 0.154** | 0.156** | 0.139** | 0.253*** |
(0.04088) | (0.08859) | (0.05168) | (0.05022) | (0.04248) | (0.07483) | |
PMS contract | 0.136*** | 0.247** | 0.144** | 0.152*** | 0.117** | 0.273*** |
(0.03566) | (0.08161) | (0.04852) | (0.03859) | (0.03712) | (0.06941) | |
MRS | 0.00343*** | 0.00158*** | 0.00274*** | 0.00315*** | 0.00280*** | 0.00382*** |
(0.00026) | (0.00034) | (0.00027) | (0.00029) | (0.00025) | (0.00045) | |
BIC | 9,226,183 | 2,362,093 | 8,421,525 | 3,148,128 | 8,897,398 | 2,685,028 |
McFadden R2 | 0.3967 | 0.4109 | 0.4322 | 0.2955 | 0.4217 | 0.3142 |
N LSOA | 2,296 | 574 | 2,294 | 576 | 2,295 | 575 |
N GP practices | 966 | 765 | 970 | 583 | 973 | 644 |
N patients | 2,696,060 | 654,501 | 2,682,712 | 667,849 | 2,705,051 | 645,510 |
Conditional logit models of practice choice for patients 24+. All models contain same covariates as model in Table 2. Distance coefficient is where and are computed as the mean of the LSOA centroid to practice distance and squared distance for the full sample of 2,870 LSOAs. MRS is the coefficient on quality divided by the distance coefficient. Urban LSOAs are LSOAs classified as Urban or Town and Rural LSOAs are those classified as Village or Hamlet and Isolated Dwelling. Lower inc depriv: LSOAs in bottom 4 quintiles of income deprivation. Higher inc depriv: LSOAs in top quintile of income deprivation. Better education: LSOAs in bottom 4 quintiles of proportion of population with no formal educational qualifications. Less Educ: LSOAs in top quintile of educational deprivation. Better health: LSOAs in top four quintiles of proportion reporting being in good or fair health. Worse Health: LSOAs in bottom quintile of proportion reporting being in good or fair health. Inflow: proportion of LSOA newly resident in LSOA mid 2009 to mid 2010. Less Asian: LSOAs in bottom four quintiles of proportion of LSOA population classified as Asian or Asian British. More Asian: LSOAs in top quintile of LSOA population classified as Asian or British Asian. Less popinflow: LSOAs in bottom four quintiles of population inflow distribution. More popinflow: LSOAs in top quintile of inflow distribution. Conditional logit models of choice of practice. All models have the same covariates as in Table 2. The distance coefficient is the derivative of the utility function evaluated using the estimated coefficients and the mean of the powers of LSOA to practice distance for the whole sample. Standard errors clustered at LSOA level are in parentheses. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001.