Figure 3.
UPS factors accumulate in UFD-2 hubs and balance apoptotic signalling. Representative images of (a) ufd-2(tm1380); ufd-2::gfp and (b) ufd-2(tm1380); ufd-2P951A::gfp immunostained with indicated antibodies. Germlines were isolated 24 hrs after treatment with 60 Gy. DNA stained with DAPI. The boxed area is three times magnified (3x zoom). α-alpha SU, α-Proteasome 20S alpha subunits. Scale bars, 5 µm. Representative images of 3 independent experiments. (c) Representative images of worm germlines of indicated genotypes irradiated with 60 Gy IR and stained with α-UFD-2 antibody and DAPI 24 hrs later. Empty and filled arrowhead indicated nuclei positive or negative for UFD-2 foci, respectively. Scale bar, 5 µm and (d) corresponding quantification of UFD-2 foci in pachytene region of germlines. Data show means ± s.e.m. of 3 independent experiments. (e, f and g) Indicated genotypes were scored for apoptosis 24 hrs after 60 Gy IR. Sample points of 3 independent experiments. For n-values see Supplementary Table 1.